• child-specific medication 儿童专用药品

    16-05-16 The lack of child-specific medication has led many parents to give their children reduced doses of drugs intended for adults. While the practice often works, medical experts are concerned that imprecise doses and inappropriate treatments could endan...

  • 类固醇注射不会显著改善肘部发炎症状

    13-02-06 Among patients with chronic unilateral(单边的) lateral epicondylalgia (tennis elbow), a single injection of corticosteroid(皮质类固醇) medication was associated with poorer outcomes after one year and higher recurrence rates compared with placeb...

  • 药物与心理综合治疗对早期精神分裂症患者有益

    10-09-07 Patients with early-stage schizophrenia(精神分裂症) who receive a combination of medication and a psychosocial(社会心理的) intervention appear less likely to discontinue treatment or relapse(复发) and may have improved insight, quality of life...

  • 某药物治疗杭廷顿氏症具有明显效果

    10-02-09 A medication(药物治疗) previously studied in patients with Alzheimer's disease (latrepirdine) appears well tolerated and may improve thinking, learning and memory skills among individuals with Huntington's disease, according to a report in the Feb...
