• 超高密度存储与计算架构

    14-09-29 Electricity and magnetism rule our digital world. Semiconductors process electrical information, while magnetic materials enable long-term data storage. A University of Pittsburgh research team has discovered a way to fuse these two distinct propert...

  • 如何生产更坚固更环保的水泥

    14-09-29 Concrete is the world's most-used construction material, and a leading contributor to global warming, producing as much as one-tenth of industry-generated greenhouse-gas emissions. Now a new study suggests a way in which those emissions could be red...

  • 工程师发现制造超高速计算机的特殊材料

    14-09-24 University of Utah engineers discovered a way to create a special material -- a metal layer on top of a silicon semiconductor -- that could lead to cost-effective, superfast computers that perform lightning-fast calculations but don't overheat. This...

  • 石墨烯的新“表亲”锗烯

    14-09-11 A team of European researchers has become one of the first groups to successfully synthesize the 2D material germanene. Dubbed a 'cousin of graphene', the material, which is made up of just a single layer of germanium atoms, is expected to exhibit i...

  • 二氧化钛可能用于制作超导磁铁电绝缘体

    14-09-05 Research from North Carolina State University shows that a type of modified titania, or titanium dioxide, holds promise as an electrical insulator for superconducting magnets, allowing heat to dissipate while preserving the electrical paths along wh...

  • American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 1

    14-09-05 Dusk -- of a summer night. And the tall walls of the commercial heart of an American city of perhaps 400,000 inhabitants -- such walls as intime may linger as a mere fable. And up the broad street, now comparatively hushed, a little band of six, --...

  • 绿地规划需要为附近建筑留出空间

    14-07-01 Green spaces in towns and cities need extra consideration as they may be damaging buildings in the area, according to new research from the Universities of Southampton and Surrey. When organic chemicals from trees and vegetation mix with air polluta...

  • 弯折工艺能更好控制层状纳米材料

    14-05-23 A new remedy has been found to tackle the difficulty of controlling layered nanomaterials. Control can be improved by simply bending the material. The mechanism was observed by Academy Research Fellow Pekka Koskinen from the Nanoscience Center of th...

  • 探索单元子的磁场

    14-05-09 Magnetic devices like hard drives, magnetic random access memories (MRAMs), molecular magnets, and quantum computers depend on the manipulation of magnetic properties. In an atom, magnetism arises from the spin and orbital momentum of its electrons....

  • 人工合成超重117号元素

    14-05-04 The periodic table of the elements is to get crowded towards its heaviest members. Evidence for the artificial creation of element 117 has recently been obtained at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, an accelerator laboratory located i...