• 中国汽车出口今年前10月同比增长54.1%

    22-12-12 今年前10个月,中国汽车市场顶住芯片短缺、原材料涨价、疫情影响等压力,稳步前行。中国汽车工业协会近日发布的数据显示,1-10月,中国的汽车出口量创下新高,其中新能源汽车10月份出口10.9万辆,环比增长1.2倍,同比增长81.2%。 Chinas auto export industry register...

  • 2022年中国外贸有望实现稳定增长

    22-07-04 中国贸促会日前发布的《2022年第二季度中国外贸形势调研报告》显示,随着国内疫情防控形势总体向好,稳增长的政策措施效果逐步显现,外贸运行出现积极变化。 Chinas foreign trade is expected to post stable growth this year, despite unprecedented challenges, in...

  • 食物垃圾回收再利用

    22-03-30 This is just some of the food waste produced from the Clipper Cafe in Shaldon [in the UK]. 这只是英国沙尔顿的 飞剪船 咖啡馆产生的食物垃圾中的一些。 It was sent away for processing or to landfill, but they found a new way to deal with it. 以前,这些...

  • to cut corners 贪便宜 走捷径

    21-06-25 我们在走路时,比起走直角,沿着两点之间最短的距离走更加省时。英语表达to cut corners 切断角落的实际含义就是为了省时间或金钱贪便宜、走捷径;偷工减料。这个说法带有贬义,使用时需要注意。 例句 The builders tried to cut corners by using cheaper material....

  • 近义词辨析:thorough,complete,total,entire,whole

    21-04-01 虽然作形容词使用时,有个别词语的含义有所重叠,但我们不能把它们随意互换使用。 首先,在这五个词中,thorough 不容易和其它的词语混淆,所以我们先来讲一讲它的意思和用法。形容词 thorough 可以用来表示 做事仔细周到的,认识深入透彻的。比如:a thorough cleanin...

  • 我成功了!

    21-03-15 Are you absent-minded? Sometimes I wish I were. So many things were achieved by people who just left something in their pocket or forgot to switch off a machine. Like what happened to this group of Swedish scientists. According to the British newspa...

  • 不一样的圣诞礼物

    21-02-23 圣诞期间,家人和朋友之间会互赠礼物,表达爱意。可是在收到的礼物中,究竟有多少是实用的、是收礼者真正需要或想要的? Its that time of year when many of us spend money buying gifts for family and friends. We spend hours, even days, searching the shops an...

  • 中国对1585种进口货物降低关税

    18-11-01 Chinas latest tariff cuts on 1,585 items of imported goods have taken effect on Thursday. 中国周四起对1585种进口货物降低关税。 The average tariff rate is cut from 10.5 percent to 7.8 percent, according to the Customs Tariff Commission of the State C...

  • 中国科学家研发新型防火建筑材料

    18-04-03 Researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China have developed a new fire-retardant construction material that can resist about 1,300 degrees Celsius flame without disintegration. 中国科技大学的科研人员研发出一种新型防火建筑材料,...