• a perfect match 天生绝配

    21-07-20 表达 a perfect match 的意思是天生一对,完美搭配,它常用来强调恋爱双方各方面都非常匹配、相称。A perfect match 也可以被用来形容两个事物相配很合适,搭配在一起非常协调。 例句 I think I have found my perfect match, John not only likes everything I do, he...

  • 与黑色有关的习语

    21-04-08 1 Black and white 非黑即白的 To judge everything as either one way or the other, good or bad. 考虑问题的方式,非黑即白的,绝对化的。 Our boss always thinks that everything is straightforward, but he doesnt realize that this whole situation is not as...

  • 表示对照关系的从句

    20-12-05 1. I really enjoyed playing that game, _______ it lasted for four hours! a) even though b) the fact that c) in spite of d) despite 2. _______ the watch only having a two-year guarantee, Ive had no problems with it for eight years. a) Though b) Altho...

  • Hope springs eternal 希望之泉永不尽

    20-11-08 人们用 hope springs eternal 这句话来表达 希望总是存在的,即使它看起来不太可能。它可以被用来描述一件不太可能发生但我们希望它发生的事情。 这个说法出自18世纪英国诗人亚历山大蒲柏(Alexander Pope)的诗歌《人论》,诗中写道:Hope springs eternal in the hum...

  • 郜林落选国足对阵卡塔尔名单

    15-09-24 Guangzhou Evergrande striker Gao Lin has been left off the roster for their fourth World Cup qualifier against Qatar. 世界杯国足对阵卡塔尔阵容名单,广州恒大前锋郜林落...

  • 幸运符能让人在恋爱中增强自信

    15-02-13 Lucky talismans and charms provide a welcome boost in confidence during the search for The One, match.com has found. 婚恋交友网站默契网发现,那些能给人带来幸运的护身符和幸运符能让人在寻找另一半的过程中增强自信。 When it comes to finding love, having...

  • 《午夜巴塞罗那》精彩词句

    14-12-24 This guy doesn't beat around the bush. 这家伙一点弯子都不绕。 He's not one of these cookie-cutter molds. 他不是那种墨守成规的人。 If I were the type of person who played around, I don't think it's in the cards for us. 就算我是个风流女子,我对你也没...

  • Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 22

    14-10-09 MR. ROCHESTER had given me but one week's leave of absence: yet a month elapsed before I quitted Gateshead. I wished to leave immediately after the funeral, but Georgiana entreated me to stay till she could get off to London, whither she was now at...

  • 世界杯期间与妻子约法11章

    14-06-13 My Dear Wife, The FIFA World cup is around the corner, so let me give you a few rules that will help us during the months of June and July: 1. The Television set's remote control belongs to me for the whole month. 2. You should not walk in front of...

  • 诚实胜于名誉

    14-06-10 A while back, there was a story about Reuben Gonzolas, Who was in the final match of his first professional racquetball(回力网球) toumament at match point in the fifth and final game, Gonzolas made a super kill shot into the front corner to win th...