• 大卫·莫耶斯将担任曼联新总裁

    13-05-09 Everton boss David Moyes is set to be appointed as the new manager of Manchester United. 埃弗顿主帅大卫莫耶斯将被委任曼联新总裁。 An announcement could be made on Thursday. Ferguson, 71, revealed his decision to step down on Wednesday after nearly 2...

  • 曼联主席亚历克斯·弗格森将退休

    13-05-08 Sir Alex Ferguson will step down as Manchester United manager at the end of the season after 26 years in charge. 亚历克斯弗格森爵士本赛季结束时将不再担任曼联主席,他已在职26年。 The Scot, 71, has won 38 trophies for the club and will now become a di...

  • If I am a Manager 如果我是一个经理

    11-12-13 One day in class, the teacher assigned his students to write a composition If I Am a Manager. All the students began to write except a boy. The teacher went to him and asked the reason. I am waiting for my secretary, was the boys answer. 一天课上,...

  • Manager Beck

    11-10-14 BECK is the group manager of Pets and Aquatics(水上运动) , in charge of both departments of aquatics and pets of Evergreen garden centre. Everyday he works together with his staffs, he is a manager but did all the jobs what should to do by the oth...

  • 职场词汇

    10-12-16 公司职务等级: 招聘经理 recruiting manager 高级秘书 senior secretary 销售总监 sales director 总裁 president 小资small potatoes 中产阶级 middle class 高产阶级 upper class 富人 upper crust 公司职位一览: 秘书 secretary 行政秘书 executive secretary 地...

  • 诺基亚任命微软业务经理为其新领导

    10-09-10 Nokia has appointed Microsoft business manager Stephen Elop as its new chief executive. 诺基亚任命微软业务经理史蒂芬艾洛普为其新董事长。 The new Nokia head previously worked at Microsoft, Juniper and Adobe Mr Elop will replace the outgoing(即将离职...

  • What was it she wanted? 她要买什么?

    10-08-26 What was it she wanted? A store manager heard a clerk tell a customer. No, maam, we haven't had any for a while, and it doesn't look asif we'll be getting soon. Horrified, the manager came runningover to the customer and said, Of course, we'll have...

  • 雷蒙斯乐队经纪人琳达·斯坦系被助手谋杀

    10-02-25 The personal assistant to former Ramones manager Linda Stein has been convicted in a New York court of bludgeoning her boss to death. 雷蒙斯乐队前经纪人琳达斯坦的私人助理涉嫌使用棍棒将其上司殴打致死,日前她已在纽约某法庭被定罪。 Stein co-managed The...

  • How could anyone stoop so low?

    09-09-30 Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a much beloved, jovial man. But there was one subject you didn't dare discuss in front of him -- his height. or, should I say, his lack of it. One day, he stormed through the door and announced angril...

  • 海鸥经理 seagull manager

    09-08-30 进入21世纪,似乎我们工作和生活的方方面面都在国际化、全球化。新技术、新理念不断涌入,想要做一个管理者也显得不那么容易了。经理们需要不断接受新兴的技术和理念,否则就有可能会成为不太受欢迎的seagull manager了。 Seagull Manager is a term first dating back...