13-04-07 Wardrobe malfunction is first used by singer Justin Timberlake in 2004 to explain the incident during Super Bowl XXXVIII in which Janet Jackson's right breast was bared. Wardrobe malfunction在2004年第38届超级碗比赛中歌手贾斯汀汀布莱克就珍妮杰克逊右...
09-07-29 都说现在是娱乐时代,可一点都不假。每天网络、报纸、电视,到处都充斥着各类娱乐新闻,连某位明星家的小狗去世也要不失时机地报道一下。至于最近又有哪位女星走光这类的热闻,那自然是铺天盖地的报道了。都说咱们中国人说话隐晦,外国人其实也不差呢,你知道他们管走...
09-07-18 India's first mission to the Moon has experienced a technical problem, India's space research officials say. 印度空间研究官员称,印度第一次探月试验遇到了技术上的问题。 Chandrayaan will compile a 3-D atlas of the Moon A sensor of the unmanned Chandra...