• mommy makeover 妈咪整容术

    18-04-23 Mommy makeover refers to cosmetic surgery aimed at making a mother look the way she did before she had children. 妈咪整容术的目的在于使生育过的女性看上去如同未生育过一样青春美貌。 So-called mommy makeovers can involve a variety of procedures, but of...

  • divorce makeover 离婚变装

    14-10-27 Divorce makeover is the reinvention of a recently divorced woman from hairstyle, costumes to everything around her. 离婚变装就是女性在离婚后从头到脚的一次改变,从她的发型、她的服装到她周围的一切。 Recent survey says a woman's 'divorce makeover' cost...

  • makeover 改版

    12-06-11 Xinwen Lianbo, which runs every night at 7 pm on CCTV 1 and all provincial satellite channels, is expected to get new faces and a new focus in the makeover . 每晚7点在央视一套和各省卫视播出的《新闻联播》将在此次改版中启用新人,加入新的关注点。 从上...
