• You've Got Blonde Mail

    15-10-21 A blonde quickly went out to her mail box, looked in it, closed the door of the box, and went back in the house. A few minutes later she repeated this process by checking her mail again. She did this five more times, and her neighbor that was watchi...

  • 英国乡村邮筒装电子标签防盗

    15-08-09 Rural post boxes are being fitted with electronic tags to deter criminals from stealing them to sell for 5,000 or more. 英国乡村地区的邮筒近日被装上电子标签,以遏制罪犯偷盗邮筒并将其以5000英镑或更多的价钱卖掉。 At least 100 of the traditional red bo...

  • 英国皇家邮政加入天猫商城

    15-03-03 Britain's Royal Mail has announced it's joining Alibaba's Tmall Global online marketplace. 英国皇家邮政宣布将加入阿里巴巴天猫商城。 A delivery van with the royal mail livery parks outside the delivery office in Wimbledon, London, UK on 18 Dec 2014....

  • 2015年新西兰将缩减邮政服务

    13-10-23 New Zealand's postal service is set to reduce the frequency of its basic deliveries, as customers increasingly turn to electronic communication. 因客户逐渐转用电子通信技术,新西兰邮政服务将减少基本投递的频率。 In an agreement with the government, si...

  • malware reunion 因病毒重聚

    13-10-18 Malware reunion describes the situation when a computer virus or other malware sends junk mail to recipients on your contact list and that results in a correspondence between you and someone on your contact list with whom you have not communicated i...

  • snailpaper 蜗牛报纸

    13-09-02 It's 2013. The screens are winning adherents left and right. Print newspapers are turning into snailpapers that arrive at our doorsteps with news that is 12 hours late. 现在是2013年了。各类屏幕已赢得不同派别的集体支持,而纸质报纸正在变成蜗牛报纸。报...

  • penpal 笔友

    13-06-09 Pen pals (or penpals or pen friends) are people who regularly write to each other, particularly via postal mail. 笔友就是对那些定期通过邮政信件彼此联络的人们的称呼。 A penpal relationship is often used to practice reading and writing in a foreign la...

  • bacn 培根邮件

    12-07-13 First there was spam. Now there is bacn (pronounced bacon), the latest buzzword to infiltrate the Internet. 刚开始是垃圾邮件,现在又来了个培根邮件。培根邮件(bacn)是目前互联网上无处不在的一个热门词汇。 According to the bloggers who invented the ter...

  • 《牛仔裤的夏天》三

    11-09-09 影片对白 Tibby: My carma-poochie-ay, I'm writing from the post office, and this express mail costs more than I make in two hours at wallmans, so these jeans better get to you tomorrow. Here we are on a typical Bethesda corner where generations of yo...

  • Snail mail 蜗牛邮件

    11-06-23 Snail mail refers to a letter or package physically delivered by a postal service, suggesting that the service is as slow as a snail. People would like to use this term especially when the object mailed could have been sent electronically via e-mail...