• 黄石公园超级火山地下岩浆

    15-04-28 University of Utah seismologists discovered and made images of a reservoir of hot, partly molten rock 12 to 28 miles beneath the Yellowstone supervolcano, and it is 4.4 times larger than the shallower, long-known magma chamber. The hot rock in the n...

  • 我们脚下的土地藏有多少岩浆

    14-07-24 Molten rock (or magma) has a strong influence on our planet and its inhabitants(居民) , causing destructive volcanic eruptions and generating some of the giant mineral deposits. Our understanding of these phenomena is, however, limited by the fact...

  • 火山爆发与地面形变

    14-04-06 ESA's Sentinel satellite, due for launch on April 3rd, should allow scientists to test this link in greater detail and eventually develop a forecast system for all volcanoes, including those that are remote and inaccessible. Volcano deformation and,...

  • 冰岛建成首个岩浆地热资源开发系统

    14-01-27 In 2009, a borehole drilled at Krafla, northeast Iceland, as part of the Icelandic Deep Drilling Project (IDDP), unexpectedly penetrated into magma (molten rock) at only 2100 meters depth, with a temperature of 900-1000 C. The borehole, IDDP-1, was...

  • 岩浆在地幔上升过快会引起火山爆发

    13-08-01 If some volcanoes operate on geologic timescales, Costa Rica's Iraz had something of a short fuse(火爆脾气) . In a new study in the journal Nature, scientists suggest that the 1960s eruption of Costa Rica's largest stratovolcano(成层火山) was tr...

  • 火山活动与水晶生成

    12-05-27 A forensic(法院的,辩论的) approach that links changes deep below a volcano to signals at the surface is described by scientists from the University of Bristol in a paper published May 24 in Science. The research could ultimately help to predict f...

  • 利用岩浆开发地热能

    11-02-18 When a team of scientists drilling near an Icelandic volcano hit magma(岩浆) in 2009, they had to abandon their planned experiments on geothermal(地热的) energy. But the mishap(灾祸,晦气) could point the way to an alternative source of geothe...

  • 火山数月的不稳定预示其即将爆发

    10-11-19 Months of volcanic restlessness(不安定) preceded(在前面) the eruptions this spring of Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajkull, providing insight into what roused(唤醒) it from its centuries of slumber(睡眠) . An international team of researchers a...
