• 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第9章

    22-12-21 Wait! Come back! Time shouted uselessly. He sank to his knees, head in his hands. Fuming silently beside him, the Red Queen glared at the spot where Alice had been. Time finally glanced up at her, then mumbled that he had to check on the Grand Clock...

  • 日本一家公司计划研制自动人类洗澡机

    22-10-28 日本一直致力于打造各种懒人神器,最近一家日本公司计划研制自动人类洗澡机,并打算在2025年前推向市...

  • swipe 刷卡刷手机

    22-01-25 有句泰国话很有名:刷我滴卡! 这只是一句调侃,原句是泰国人打招呼的用语,相当于你好。不过刷卡确实是中国人以前在日常生活中最常见的动作之一。 在我印象中,刷卡的说法应该起源于银行卡。大家应该都有这样的记忆:我们买单结账时,把银行卡交给商家,他们把卡片有...

  • 罗马街头出现披萨自动贩卖机

    21-06-28 最近,一款披萨自动贩卖机出现在罗马街头,食客将现金塞进红色的机器里,三分钟后一张热乎乎香喷喷的披萨就出炉了。 Rome has a new vending machine which slides out freshly cooked pizzas in just three minutes. 罗马出现了一台全新的自动售货机,它能在三分钟内...

  • 阿里巴巴推出自动售车机

    18-03-27 On Monday, Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, along with Ford, launched the first ever car vending machine in the southern city of Guangzhou. 本周一,中国电商巨头阿里巴巴与福特合作在广州推出首台汽车自动售货机。 With a height of over 20 meters, it may...

  • 创意短篇小说售货机在法国遍地开花

    17-07-04 Recently, inventive vending machines have been popping up around France. Instead of dispensing sweet treats or sugary drinks, however, these kiosks distribute short stories. 最近,一种创意售货机在法国遍地开花。不过,这种售货机贩卖的不是糖果或甜饮料...

  • 新加坡一台“自动售货机”提供豪车售卖服务

    17-05-23 Forget about soft drinks and potato chips - a vending machine in Singapore is offering up luxury vehicles, including Bentleys, Ferraris and Lamborghinis. 忘记那些售卖软饮和薯片的自动售货机吧新加坡一台自动售货机提供豪车售卖服务,品牌包括宾利、法拉利...