• 《感觉身体被掏空》唱出广大上班族心声

    16-07-30 Singers wearing solemn black suits look seriously into the camera. 歌手们穿着庄重的黑色西装,严肃地看着摄像机。 You may think they are about to perform a piece of classical music, until their cat ears give them away. And as they start to sing, you m...

  • 歌曲《Hello》激励64%女性与前任联系

    15-11-29 Adele's new hit song 'Hello' has become much more than just a comforting break-up anthem for women wounded by past relationships. 英国歌手阿黛尔的全新热门歌曲《Hello》,对于在以往恋情中受伤的女性而言,已经不单单是一首治愈的分手歌曲了。 According to...

  • 鲍勃·迪伦《暴雨将至》歌词手稿将被拍卖

    15-08-26 A draft of the lyrics for Bob Dylan's protest song A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall will be put up for auction in London next month. 鲍勃迪伦的抗议歌曲《暴雨将至》的歌词手稿下月将在伦敦被拍卖。 The draft is expected to fetch up to 200,000 pounds, which is...

  • 说唱歌手创作押韵作品比莎士比亚更游刃有余

    15-03-08 The Oxford English Dictionary credits William Shakespeare with coining up to 2,000 words we use today. But linguists from Manchester have found that rappers, such as Eminem and London-based Akala, are actually more adept at creating lyrics and prose...

  • 俄罗斯说唱歌手因嘲弄警察被拘留

    10-08-04 One of Russia's most infamous rappers has been sentenced to 10 days in jail for mocking police. 俄罗斯名声最差的说唱歌手之一因为嘲弄警察被拘留10天。 Noize MC (right) is notorious for his caustic lyrics Ivan Alexeyev, aka Noize MC, taunted(奚落,嘲...

  • 约翰·列侬手写体歌词将被拍卖

    10-04-30 John Lennon's handwritten lyrics to the Beatles song A Day in the Life are expected to make up to $700,000 (460,000) at auction. 约翰列侬为甲壳虫乐队创作的歌曲《A Day in the Life》的手写体歌词有望被拍卖到70万美元高价。 One side of the lyric sheet sh...
