• 专家:肺病研究“需要更多资金”

    10-11-10 Millions of lives could be saved if more was spent on studying and tackling common lung infections, say experts. 专家称,如果有更多的资金被用于研究、解决日常肺部感染,将会有数百万的生命被拯救。 Respiratory(呼吸的 ) infections such as pneumonia(肺...

  • 质子辐射疗法可用于治疗早期肺癌

    10-10-20 Proton beam therapy(辐射治疗) is safe and effective and may be superior to other conventional treatments for Stage I inoperable(不实用的,不能动手术的) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, according to a study in the October issue of the...

  • 利用胚胎干细胞培育肺组织取得突破

    10-08-20 The first successful report of using cell-depleted lung as a natural growth matrix(矩阵,模型) for generating new rat lung from embryonic stem cells is presented in a breakthrough article in Tissue Engineering, Part A, a peer-reviewed journal publ...

  • 耶鲁科学家创造出再生肺组织

    10-06-25 A Yale University-led team of scientists reports that it has achieved an important first step in regenerating fully functional lung tissue that can exchange gas, which is the key role of the lungs. Their paper appears in the June 24 issue of Science...

  • 肺部疾病可能是遗传性的 即使没有家族病史

    10-05-18 Patients who encounter serious lung diseases in middle age, despite an absence of family history or other predisposing(素因性的) factors, may still have their genes to blame, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the National Instit...

  • 新方法辨别高风险患肺癌烟民

    10-04-08 Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) in collaboration(合作,勾结) with investigators at the University of Utah, have discovered a new approach for identifying smokers at the highest risk for developing lung cancer. The find...

  • “矮个儿”易患肺病

    10-01-08 People who develop chronic lung disease are more likely to be shorter in height than the general population, researchers say. 研究人员称,患有慢性肺部疾病的人似乎比正常人群矮一些。 People with COPD often need many medications The University of Notti...

  • 干细胞疗法可能对急性肺损伤有治疗作用

    09-10-30 Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine have shown that adult stem cells from bone marrow(骨髓) can prevent acute lung injury in a mouse model of the disease. Their results are reported online in the October issue...

  • Housewives star has lung cancer 绝望主妇女演员Kathryn Jooste

    09-09-16 Desperate Housewives actress Kathryn Joosten is facing a battle with lung cancer for the second time. 绝望的主妇女演员Kathryn Joosten将要面临与肺癌的第二次战斗。 Joosten began her acting career at the age of 42 Joosten, who plays Mrs McCluskey in th...

  • Gene find 'may curb lung mucus' 基因发现有助于肺病治疗

    09-09-15 A genetic breakthrough raises hope of easing suffering for people with chronic lung disease - and maybe those just fighting a common cold. 一项基因研究突破激起了慢性肺病患者减少痛苦的希望,甚至对普通感冒可能也会有所帮助。 Cystic fibrosis can be dead...