• 美国新泽西州一彩民中奖3.38亿

    13-03-27 A Dominican immigrant who won $338m in a US lottery draw has spoken of his joy upon realising he had hit the jackpot. 一名多米尼加移民在美国彩票抽奖中获得3.38亿美元,当他知道中奖后非常高兴。 Pedro Quezada said he had woken up at 5:00 and left at 23:...

  • problem lottery buyers 问题彩民

    13-01-14 The number of problem lottery buyers in China has reached 7 million and 430,000 of them are severe cases, according to a survey Sunday, which put the overall number of Chinese lottery buyers at 200 million. 根据周日的一项调查显示,中国彩民规模达到2...

  • environmental lottery 环保彩票

    12-11-13 Last year, the world's first environmental lottery was unveiled in UK, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting climate change. 去年,世界上第一款环保彩票亮相英国,旨在削减温室气体排放,缓解气候变化。 文中的environmental lottery就是指...

  • 加拿大77岁老人中奖后灾难连连

    12-09-29 加拿大蒙特利尔一位77岁的老人在2009年中了总额达1690万美元的乐透大奖,可是这一幸运事件却在接下来的几年中带给了他更多的不幸。 For lottery winner Lucien Nault, it might have been better to have no luck at all. The 77-year-old Montreal man won $16.9 mill...

  • jackpot 彩票头奖

    12-02-23 Lottery winner may have hit $80m jackpot --China's lottery may have set a new record with a man expected to win 514 million yuan ($80 million) from two tickets bought in East China's Zhejiang province on Tuesday, beating the previous record win of 3...

  • 苹果香港“摇号”才能买iPhone

    12-02-04 由于iPhone需求火爆,苹果香港近日推出了摇号预订系统,欲购买iPhone的消费者需先在其官网上填写注册信息,被苹果选中后方可购买。 Think lining up overnight for an iPhone launch is bad? Try snagging a new iPhone 4S in Hong Kong, where Apple recently impleme...

  • 美国一张巨奖彩票 引发三方官司

    12-01-29 A winning $1 million lottery ticket picked out of a gas station trash can has become the subject of a three-way legal battle in Arkansas. 美国阿肯色州的一张百万美元巨奖彩票近日引发三方法律争夺战,这张彩票是一名女子在一家加油站的垃圾桶捡到的。 Sharon...

  • 最好是不幸的

    10-03-05 Sam, an unemployed piano tuner, said it was only the second thing he had ever won in his life. The first thing was an Afghan blanket at a church raffle(抽彩售货) when he was 25 years old. But this was much bigger: it was $120,000! He had won the B...

  • 杰克逊辞世日期成圣诞彩票热门

    09-12-26 据西班牙一家彩票销售网站称,代表流行天王迈克尔杰克逊辞世日期(2009年6月25日)的数字组合25609,成为今年圣诞彩票大胖子最热门的号码。此外,数字组合66666因其神秘和魔幻色彩一如既往地受到人们追捧。每年的12月22日是圣诞彩票大胖子的开奖仪式,许多人会准时守在...

  • Huge Italian jackpot still unwon 意大利巨额彩票无人获得

    09-08-05 The jackpot of Italy's national lottery has reached almost 116m euros ($166m), after no-one got the correct six numbers in Tuesday night's draw. 星期二晚上无人猜中正确的六位数,意大利国家彩票头奖金额已经达到1160万欧元。 The new lottery jackpot of mo...