• 海南热带雨林国家公园征集logo

    19-04-22 Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park, in south Chinas island province of Hainan, is seeking logo and slogan ideas from around the world. 海南热带雨林国家公园目前正在全球范围内征集标示和标语。 The park accounts for about one-third of the countrys...

  • 中国制衣公司状告苹果侵权

    17-12-26 A Chinese clothing company is suing Apple for copyright infringement of the Apple App Store logo, a court in Beijing said Tuesday. 中国一家制衣公司状告苹果App商店的logo侵权。 Clothing label KON claim the Apple App Store logo closely resembles its ow...

  • 东京奥运会会徽涉嫌抄袭被弃用

    15-09-05 Tokyo Olympic organizers scrapped the logo for the 2020 Games on Tuesday following another allegation that its Japanese designer might have used copied materials. 面对日本设计师涉嫌抄袭的新一轮指控,东京奥组委9月1日宣布弃用2020年奥运会会徽。 Reversi...
