• 区分forget to do和forget doing

    22-12-08 动词 forget 表示 忘记,其后可接动词不定式 to do 或动名词,分别组成搭配 forget to do 和 forget doing。Forget to do 和 forget doing 之间有区别吗?如果 你忘锁门了,应该使用哪一个搭配? 用法总结 1. 我们用 forget to do 来表示 本来应该做某事,但是因为忘记...

  • lock horns 争论不休

    21-05-22 两只鹿在打斗的时候,会顶住彼此头上的角,直到其中一方败下阵来,争斗才得以罢休。表达 lock horns 锁住角 指 卷入激烈的冲突或争执中,没有一方愿意先妥协或认输。 例句 My father and brother locked horns last night over whether my brother could use the car!...

  • 巴黎拆卖连心锁捐助难民

    16-12-26 For the past two years, Paris has committed itself to taking on the love lock trend, in which couples, particularly tourists, attach padlocks to the citys bridges as a symbol of their love. 过去两年来,巴黎流行挂连心锁,那些情侣尤其是游客,喜欢将连...

  • 臭锁:向偷车贼喷恶心气体

    16-11-04 The aptly-named SkunkLock is an ingenious bicycle lock that blasts would-be thieves with a disgusting cocktails of chemicals that most of the time causes them to vomit uncontrollably. 臭锁是一种有创意的自行车锁,恰如其名,它会向想要偷车的贼喷一种令...

  • 德国发明家对付偷吃问题的好点子

    15-09-05 There's nothing worse than looking forward to a serving of Nutella on warm toast for breakfast - only to find that someone has cleaned out the jar. 本想在热乎乎的早餐面包片上涂点能多益(注:一种意大利产的榛子巧克力酱),却发现不知谁把它吃光了,世间...

  • A little box 小箱子

    15-01-06 How oft the commonest of tasks looks long and tiresome till begun. To use your wits, is all it asks, start doing, and it's done. They brought John Brown a box, fresh from the workman's hands. Twas work that took the eye, so neatly, cleanly done. Thi...
