• “化妆”口语

    22-06-09 1. She came out wearing big false eyelashes. 她戴着长长的假睫毛出来了。 2. It takes me about five minutes to do my makeup. 我化妆大概需要5分钟。 3. She looked all made up. 她可真是浓妆艳抹。 4. She always wears a lot of makeup. 她总是化厚厚的妆。 5....

  • wear lipstick 涂口红

    22-02-18 常用姨妈色这么说: plum李子色 dark berry暗莓色 burgundy酒红色 你看,直接描述颜色本身才对嘛! 涂口红这样说 当我们说涂口红这个动作时,不会说涂颜色的draw,而会说wear lipstick(强调持妆的状态)或者put on lipstick(强调涂的动作)。 例句: She is putting on h...

  • Lips 唇部

    22-01-25 有次陪朋友逛街,一枚直男独自一人为女票挑口红选颜色,导购员心累地说我这怎么跟你解释这些颜色的不同呢...为何口红颜色如此之多,是因为每个人的肤色都不一样,同样的口红也会映射出不同的感觉呢。 SO!选择适合自己的口红很重要啊 。 目的:把整个妆容色调整合为一...

  • 疫情给口红色号带来微妙变化

    21-03-05 过去一年,口罩几乎以一己之力改写了美妆产业的局面。受疫情影响,随着口罩成为脸部标配,唇部不再是人们对于面部的关注焦点,这让美妆产业也发生了新变化。 据韩媒报道,2020年下半年韩国眼妆销售额比上半年增长10% 。另一方面,皮肤因长期佩戴口罩变得粗糙敏感,也导...

  • 韩国公司推出物联网自卫设备

    18-07-14 Walking on the streets or taking a cab at night by oneself can be risky, and usually, young women are the most vulnerable at that time. Thats why there are all sorts of self-defense objects out there - varying from pepper spray to tactical knives -...

  • 12个方法让你变得对异性更有吸引力 中

    16-01-21 Women should play dumb if they're looking for a fling. This one pains us to write. But ladies, if you're looking for a one-night stand, it's best to play it stupid. In a study published in Evolution and Human Behavior, graduate students at the Unive...

  • 卢布贬值近一半 女性买不起口红

    14-12-27 几个月以来,在美国和欧盟的经济制裁下,俄罗斯货币卢布贬值近一半。除富豪资产缩水外,女性连一支口红也买不起。 A Russian politician has offered some sage advice to women struggling to afford imported beauty products: use beetroot instead of lipstick. Si...

  • 女性双唇最吸引男性

    10-11-27 If you want to catch a mans attention, dont bother fluttering your eyelashes or flicking your hair. Just practise your pout. 如果你想吸引男人的目光,不必费心去眨动睫毛或捋头发,只需性感地撅撅嘴就可以了。 All smiles: Jessica Alba and Cheryl Cole prov...

  • Suri Cruise steps out in lipstick and high heels 阿汤哥三岁

    09-09-27 Suri Cruise stepped out in a new pair of wearing kitten heels while holding her mom's hand for an afternoon out on the town. Seems like only yesterday Katie Holmes was sporting a baby bump but look how fast little Suri Cruise is growing up. Even tho...

  • 给猪涂口红 lipstick on a pig

    09-09-21 2008年美国总统大选的时候,奥巴马的一句你就算给猪涂上口红,它也还是只猪曾经引起选民的广泛争议,同时,也让lipstick on a pig这个出现于上世纪二十年代的习惯用语重新回到人们的口中,一时间,lipstick on a pig成了美国人民很爱用的一个短语。 Have you ever trie...
