• 委内瑞拉总统将接受新手术

    12-02-22 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said that he will have to have further surgery after doctors found a lesion during medical tests in Cuba. 委内瑞拉总统乌戈查韦斯称,他在古巴进行身体检查时医生发现一处病变,需要接受进一步手术。 The 57-year-old had...

  • 肺动脉高压丛状病变发病机理

    10-05-20 A new preclinical(临床前的) model of pulmonary arterial hypertension ( PAH肺动脉高压) may lead to improved research and ultimately better therapies for this life-threatening problem, according to its developers, researchers at the University of So...
