• 来认识四对双胞胎幼崽的狐猴爸爸“宙斯”

    22-11-25 This is Zeus the lemur, a busy dad of eight newborn babies. 狐猴 宙斯 是个忙碌的爸爸,它的八只狐猴宝宝刚刚降生。 The rare ring-tailed lemur has fathered four sets of twins with four different partners. 这只稀有的环尾狐猴与四只母狐猴产下了四对双胞胎...

  • 巨狐猴灭绝由于种群规模小

    14-12-17 Ancient DNA extracted from the bones and teeth of giant lemurs that lived thousands of years ago in Madagascar may help explain why the giant lemurs went extinct. It also explains what factors make some surviving species more at risk today, says a s...

  • 动物学家呼吁保护狐猴

    14-02-25 Lemurs(狐猴) , the most endangered mammal group on Earth, represent more than 20 per cent of the world's primates. Native only to Madagascar, more than 90 percent of the species are threatened with extinction. A Western University primatologist ha...

  • 爱吃水果的狐猴的空间记忆力要好

    14-02-24 Food-finding tests in five lemur species show that fruit-eaters may have better spatial memory than lemurs with a more varied diet. The results support the idea that relying on foods that are seasonally available and far-flung gives a competitive ed...

  • 灵长类动物冬眠比之前想象的更普遍

    13-05-03 Until recently, the only primate known to hibernate(东面) as a survival strategy was a creature called the western fat-tailed dwarf lemur, a tropical tree-dweller from the African island of Madagascar. But it turns out this hibernating lemur(狐猴...

  • 气候变化影响狐猴传染病的传播

    13-01-24 Rising temperatures and shifting rainfall patterns in Madagascar could fuel the spread of lemur(狐猴) parasites and the diseases they carry. By combining data on six parasite species from ongoing surveys of lemur health with weather data and other...

  • Lemurs butchered in Madagascar 马达加斯加狐猴遭猎杀

    09-08-21 Shocking pictures of slaughtered lemurs killed for bush meat have been released by Conservation International. 国际保护组织放出杀害狐猴以求其肉的触目惊心的照片。 Hanging on, the golden-crowned sifaka A breakdown in law and order due to the recent co...
