• be absorbed in 聚精会神

    22-06-13 聚精会神,汉语成语,形容专心致志,注意力高度集中的样子。可以翻译为concentrate ones mind on,be absorbed in或with all attention等。 例句: 他们聚精会神地听演讲。 They are listening to the lecture with avid attention....

  • lose concentration 开小差

    21-11-16 开小差,原指军人脱离队伍私自逃跑(to leave the armed forces without permission and with no intention of returning)。 开小差,当逃兵可以用desert,这个单词除了有沙漠,荒漠的意思之外,还可以表示擅离(部队)。 现在常用来比喻做事不专心,思想不集中,英文...

  • 武大《恋爱心理学》讲座爆火

    21-10-26 近日,武汉大学名为《恋爱心理学》的讲座爆火,小小的课堂装不下同学们对知识(恋爱)的向往。 来晚的同学一度爬上窗台、蹲在过道、挤满教室门口,我排着队,拿着爱的号码牌一起感受这场沉浸式谈恋爱: A lecture on love has become wildly popular in Wuhan Universi...

  • 大学生是否需要听讲座式课程?

    21-02-25 对于大学生和中小学生来说,课堂讲座是学习知识的最佳方式吗?日益更新的科学技术正引领教育人士不断改进并完善教学技巧,但这是否意味着讲座式教学和讲师授课的时代会一去不返? At some point in our lives, most of us have attended a school or university lectur...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 2

    20-12-20 It is so good to be home again! I wonder how we ever made up our minds to go away! exclaimed Rose as she went roaming about the old house next morning, full of the satisfaction one feels at revisiting familiar nooks and corners and finding them unch...

  • Three days to live 只能再活三天

    14-06-16 One day, a professor asked his students: If you have only three days to live in this world, what will you do? Student A: I want to stay with my girl friend. Student B: I want to go back to see my parents. Student C: I will try my best to eat some de...

  • at Reception Honoring Ambassadors

    09-08-08 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT RECEPTION HONORING AMBASSADORS THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Well, I want to welcome all of you to the White House. Michelle and I are honored to host you here tonight; to get to know you, and to underscore the impo...

  • Honoring The 2008 WNBA Champions

    09-08-08 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT HONORING THE 2008 WNBA CHAMPIONS THE DETROIT SHOCK THE PRESIDENT: Hey, guys. Hello, hello, hello. (Applause.) Please, everybody, be seated. Be seated. Well, welcome to the White House, everybody. And we are so pleased to hav...

  • In Joint Press Availability

    09-08-08 REMARKS BY PRESIDENT OBAMA AND PRIME MINISTER NOURI AL MALIKI OF IRAQ IN JOINT PRESS AVAILABILITY PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon, everybody. I am very pleased to welcome Prime Minister al Maliki back to Washington. Weve just concluded a very produc...

  • Remarks by The President on Health Care Reform

    09-08-08 REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON HEALTH CARE REFORM THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. I am pleased to be joined by not only some of my former colleagues and outstanding legislators, but also by nurses. And I think I've said this before --...