• 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 2

    22-09-13 They each had their own room and all. They were both around seventy years old, or even more than that. They got a bang out of things, though--in a haif-assed way, of course. I know that sounds mean to say, but I dont mean it mean. I just mean that I...

  • 《唐顿庄园》英式俚语:睡到自然醒

    22-08-26 1. 睡到自然醒 清晨六点,Daisy把各屋的女仆叫醒,这时Anna睡眼朦胧地说: Just for once in my life, Id like to sleep until I woke up natural. 哪怕这辈子只有一次,我真想睡到自然醒。 2. 太阳打西边出来 Mrs Patmore对早晨的炉火还很旺表示不可思议,她说: Oh,...

  • Better Late Than Never. 迟来总比不来好。

    22-08-17 1. Better Late Than Never. 迟来总比不来好。 This idiom is simple but effective. It implies that a belated achievement is better than not reaching a goal at all. One might say, The achievement is long overdue, but its better late than never. 这个成语...

  • 英国人什么时候说Sorry 下

    22-08-16 25. When offering your seat to someone a millisecond late. 让座慢了1毫秒。 26. Not offering a drink to someone within the first 10 seconds of them entering your house. 别人进了你家门10秒,还没给人倒东西喝。 27. Asking a shop assistant for help. 叫店...

  • 别熬夜

    22-08-10 1. Dont stay up too late. 别熬太晚! 2. Time for bed. 该上床睡觉了。 3. Why are you still up? 你怎么还不睡? 4. You should go to bed early. 你应该早点睡。 5. You should have an early night. 你应该早点睡。 6. Go to sleep. 快点儿睡! 7. Lets turn in e...