• 新研究:泛欧亚语系起源于中国东北

    21-11-16 发表在《自然》期刊上的一项新研究发现,包括日语、汉语、土耳其语和蒙古语在内的泛欧亚语系起源于9000年前在中国东北种植谷子的农民。研究人员指出,农业的发展推动了语言的传播。 A study combining linguistic, genetic and archaeological evidence has traced the...

  • 谷雨:联合国中文日

    21-04-20 2010年,联合国新闻部(现全球传播部)宣布启动联合国语言日(Language Days)。 Language Days at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Org...

  • 比尔·盖茨对自己不会外语感到遗憾

    15-02-02 The world's richest man might seem to have it all, but Bill Gates has one regret. The self-made billionaire said he felt stupid for not knowing any foreign languages. 世界首富比尔盖茨看似坐拥一切,但却有一件憾事。这位白手起家的亿万富翁觉得自己不会外...

  • 人类“语言进化”与人口迁移

    14-03-14 Evolutionary analysis applied to the relationship between North American and Central Siberian languages may indicate that people moved out from the Bering Land Bridge, with some migrating back to central Asia and others into North America, according...

  • Doozie

    14-01-09 Doozie Albert Goldbarth A bun in her oven? Geez Louise, isn't that malarkey(胡说) ? Estelle? Miss Goody-Two-Shoes? I thought it was bunkum too, when I heard it. Really: you coulda knocked me for a loop. But Alice told me, and she's jake. Alice: th...

  • 英国青少年外语能力在欧洲最差

    13-02-18 最近一项研究显示,英国青少年的外语能力在14个欧洲国家中排名最后,被指陷入 单一语言主义的恶性循环。 British teenagers are trapped in a vicious circle(恶性循环) of monolingualism, a report warned recently as figures showed English youngsters are amon...

  • 讲双语能抑制大脑衰老

    13-01-20 美国肯塔基大学的研究人员发现,能讲两种语言可以抑制大脑衰老的速度,双语人士的大脑反应速度也比只会讲一种语言的人要更快一些。不过,研究人员指出,该研究发现只适用于那些从10岁起就开始使用第二语言的双语人士。 Speaking two languages can actually help offse...

  • 英国戏剧节将重新演绎莎翁38部戏剧

    11-01-24 Each of William Shakespeare's 38 plays will be performed in a different language, including Arabic, Spanish and Urdu, during a theatre season in Britain to mark the London 2012 Olympic Games. 在英国戏剧节期间,伦敦将用38种不同语言来演绎莎士比亚的38...
