• Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 10

    21-03-17 Though now the middle of December, there had yet been no weather to prevent the young ladies from tolerably regular exercise; and on the morrow, Emma had a charitable visit to pay to a poor sick family, who lived a little way out of Highbury. Their...

  • 厦门建成首条空中自行车专用道

    17-01-24 Chinas first bike lane in the sky was recently completed in the southeastern city of Xiamen. 中国首条空中自行车专用道最近在厦门完工。 The 7.6-kilometer-long lane is also the longest in the world to be built on raised platforms. It has 11 exits, conn...

  • laneway house 巷屋

    15-11-18 Laneway house is a house that opens onto a back or side lane, particularly on a lot that has an existing dwelling. 巷屋是在向后巷或边道开门的房屋,尤指靠在现有住宅旁所在位置的房屋。 For example: Their two-bedroom, 1,050-square-foot laneway house is...

  • 利物浦开通英国首个快速步行道

    15-11-15 Britain's first ever fast pedestrian lane has opened in Liverpool city centre - following research that claims 47% of the nation finds slow walking the most annoying aspect of high-street shopping. 英国首个快速步行道在利物浦市中心开通,此前有调查称...

  • 路的各种表达

    15-06-18 Road:从A到B的路都可以叫Road Street:城市里东西方向的街道 Avenue:林荫大道,或者是南北方向的街道 Plaza/Square:某个开阔空间(比如广场)周围的道路 Circle:圆形道路,通常围绕着公共空间,意思有点像Square,还有大环线的意思 Boulevard:中间或两侧一定有树,...

  • carpool lane 拼车专用道

    13-06-09 A high-occupancy vehicle lane (also HOV lane, carpool lane, diamond lane, and transit lane) is a restricted traffic lane reserved at peak travel times or longer for exclusive use of vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers. The normal minim...
