11-05-02 Giving poor families land on which to grow crops has been shown to improve child nutrition. New research also shows that giving families non-agricultural land and better housing also is beneficial for children's growth and nutrition. Results of the...
11-03-12 全国政协委员张元富在昨天上午举行的全国政协十一届四次会议第三次全体会上发言指出,目前中国失地农民累计不少于4000万人,必须建立政府主导的失地农民社会保障体系,尽快研究制订《失地农民社会保障条例》,建立健全统一规范的失地农民社会保障机制。 Confiscation(...
11-03-11 Daylight God is proven in some way by the extreme difficulty of believing in him... SIMONE WEIL July already, and the land is soon to burn, the sun at midday casting its least shadow. Across the road, the unmown pasture(草地,牧场) will whiten und...
10-11-25 针对过热的土地市场,国土部再次重拳出击,颁布国19条,详细规范了土地买卖及交易行为,同时表示将进一步确保保障房、棚户区改造、及自住的中小套型住宅用地的供应。 We will strive to guarantee that land used for low-income housing, for rebuilding shanty areas...
10-05-19 Greenland is situated in the Atlantic Ocean to the northeast of Canada. It has stunning(极好的,使人晕倒的) fjords(海湾) on its rocky coast formed by moving glaciers(冰川) , and a dense icecap up to 2 km thick that covers much of the island--p...
10-03-10 US Vice-President Joe Biden has condemned Israel's approval of 1,600 new homes for ultra-Orthodox Jews in East Jerusalem. 美国副总统乔拜登指责以色列批准在东耶路撒冷地区为超正统犹太教徒建造1600座新房屋的计划。 Nearly 500,000 Jews live in more than 10...
10-03-03 Aboriginal groups are to gather at a public meeting to debate controversial plans to build Australia's first nuclear waste dump on tribal land. 澳大利亚土著居民将要召开公众会议,讨论在其部落土地上建立首个核废料排放场的问题。 Aboriginal communities a...
10-01-18 Senegal's president says he will offer free land and repatriation to people affected by the earthquake in Haiti. 塞内加尔总统称,他将向海地灾民提供免费的土地和返回祖国的机会。 Abdoulaye Wade said Haitians could return to their origin President Abdou...
09-12-31 摩纳哥王子阿尔伯特二世最近表示要通过填海扩地的方式扩大土地面积,以缓解人口过于密集的现状。据悉,该项工程将耗资100亿英镑,计划自王宫和历史中心所在地西部的芳薇耶区向地中海扩展,扩地面积约12.5英亩,相当于5个足球场那么大,规划中的建筑物包括豪华地产、写...
09-07-19 A US spacecraft has captured images of Apollo landing sites on the Moon, revealing hardware and a trail of footprints left on the lunar surface. 一架美国宇宙飞船获得了阿波罗的月球着陆影象,显示月球表面留有飞船硬件和脚??Science instruments (circled...