• 澳洲呼吁民众多吃袋鼠肉以控制数量

    17-09-18 Australians have been encouraged to eat more kangaroo meat as a way of controlling the population, which is nearing 50 million. 澳洲呼吁民众多吃袋鼠肉,以控制袋鼠数量。如今澳洲袋鼠的数量已将近5000万只。 Government figures from 2016 show there were a...

  • kangaroo generation 袋鼠族

    17-04-20 Kangaroo generation is known because its members still live with their parents. So, why young adults still living with their parents? Comfort? Convenience? 袋鼠族为人熟知是因为他们仍与父母同...

  • Kangaroo Mother Care 袋鼠式护理法

    16-02-23 Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) involves skin-to-skin contact between the baby's front and the mother's chest. This contact has improved the survival rate of premature babies. KMC has been widely used in the US, Japan and Europe, yet in China premature i...

  • 让人窝心的袋鼠一家

    16-01-16 A mother kangaroo has been captured reaching out to cuddle her joey one last time before she died. 袋鼠妈妈临死之前伸出手,试图最后一次去拥抱自己那年幼的小袋鼠。 The photographer, Evan Switzer, captured the moment on a bushland property in River Hea...

  • 袋鼠与它的毛绒兔子

    15-05-02 A super-cute kangaroo and his soft toy rabbit have become inseparable after the spring-heeled marsupial was sent the companion by a kind-hearted fan. 一只超级可爱的袋鼠和他的毛绒兔子形影不离,而这只兔子是一位好心的粉丝送给他的。 And there's no bette...

  • 乔治王子所带袋鼠背包热卖

    14-04-11 英国王室只有8个月大的乔治小王子随着父母7日抵达新西兰,开始了人生首次海外出访。小家伙还没正式出席活动,就已经悄悄掀起了一股时尚风,原来是他登机时带的小袋鼠背包引发了民众跟风潮。 Prince George of Cambridge's cuddly(逗人喜爱的) kangaroo backpack has...

  • 澳大利亚或将向中国出售袋鼠肉

    13-11-25 Once considered pet food, kangaroo meat could soon be sold to China as a luxury product, to encourage Chinese consumers to do something few Australians will - eat it. 曾被当做宠物食品的袋鼠肉不久将做为高档产品向中国出售,以此鼓励中国的消费者们做点很...

  • The ability of the Kangaroo 袋鼠的能力

    10-02-24 The ability of the Kangaroo The zoo built a special eight-foot-high enclosure for its newly acquired kangaroo, but the next morning the animal was found hopping around outside. The height of the fence was increased to 15 feet, but the kangaroo got o...

  • How kangaroo got his tail (II)

    09-09-30 One night, blasts of wind lashed the kangaroo with raindrops that felt like icy needles. Mirram was so wet and cold, he couldn't take it any longer. He struggled onto his hind legs and blown by the wind, hopped slowly towards the bark hut. It is me!...

  • How kangaroo got his tail (I)

    09-09-30 A long time ago, some animals looked different to the way they look now. Kangaroos had no tails and wombats had high, round heads. Mirram the Kangaroo and Warreen the Wombat were good friends. They lived together in a hut that Warreen had built from...
