• 《赛车总动员》第3章

    22-11-16 Hey, kid! Mack called as Lightning headed toward him. Congrats on the tie! I dont want to talk about it, the rookie replied grumpily. Cmon, lets go, Mack. Saddle up. Whatd you do with my trailer? I parked it over at your sponsors tent, Mack said. Yo...

  • Internaive 对网络用语一无所知

    22-10-10 如今甭管是十几二十岁的小年轻,还是六七十岁的老太太,用起网络流行语都溜得很。如果你碰巧是个不爱逛论坛玩微博的人,你会发现你经常听不懂别人说的笑话是个什么梗。这样的人被称为Internaive。 Internaive refers to the state of ignorance towards popular intern...

  • 不合时宜的幽默

    22-07-05 Dirty jokes 黄段子 Dirty jokes 是关于色情或不入流的如厕所幽默(toilet humor)这一类具有冒犯性的笑话(offensive jokes)。 frat boy humor 烂仔帮笑话 当一些年轻人喝着酒说着黄段子,你就可以说这种是frat boy humor。Frat boy是学校兄弟会(college fraternity)...