• 你害怕机器人吗?

    21-02-27 Gates said in an interview with the social networking and news website Reddit: I am in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence. First the machines will do a lot of jobs for us and not be super intelligent. That should be positive if we m...

  • 机器人会抢走我们的饭碗吗?

    21-02-10 人工智能和机器人科技在飞速发展,很多人都担心这类技术对工作场所带来的影响。人工智能技术能以更低的成本和更高的效率工作,这是否意味着机器人将变成各类职业的主力军?如果真的会这样,那么人类的工作是否会岌岌可危? As new technology is introduced, there are...

  • 科学领域缺少女性工作者

    21-02-10 在科学、工程、科技和数学领域中,男性工作者的数量远远超过女性。尽管如此,女性对科学的发展做出过很多巨大的贡献,在其发展过程中扮演了重要的角色。但为什么在这些领域工作的女性人数一直不高?女性为什么不选择这些职业? Theres an old riddle used by psycholog...

  • 新冠疫情导致全球劳动力市场遭受巨大影响

    21-01-28 联合国国际劳工组织最新发布的报告显示,在2020年新冠疫情引发全球危机后,全球劳动力市场遭受了巨大影响,损失了相当于2.25亿个全职工作岗位。目前劳动力市场正在实现初步复苏,但前景依旧高度不确定。 The pandemic caused an unprecedented hit to the global econo...

  • 世界经济论坛:2025年半数工作将由机器处理

    20-10-22 Half of all work tasks will be handled by machines by 2025 in a shift likely to worsen inequality, a World Economic Forum report has forecast. 世界经济论坛的一份报告预测,到2025年,半数工作任务将由机器处理,这一转变可能会加剧不平等。 The think tank...

  • 阿里宣布2019不会裁员

    19-02-24 Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has pledged no layoffs this year. 阿里巴巴宣布今年不会裁员。 Alibaba will continue to recruit new staff, ramp up training programs and utilize more platform resources to help create more jobs, Alibabas CEO Daniel Zha...

  • 本田计划关闭英国工厂

    19-02-20 Japanese carmaker Honda plans to close its car factory in western England in 2021, a fresh blow to the British economy as it faces its March 29 exit from the European Union. 日本本田汽车公司计划在2021年关闭英格兰西部的汽车工厂,这对3月29日即将脱离欧...

  • 通用在北美裁员1.4万

    18-11-27 General Motors will cut up to 14,000 workers in North America and put five plants up for possible closure. 通用汽车将在北美裁员14000人,5座工厂可能将关停。 The reduction includes about 8,000 white-collar employees, or 15 percent of GMs North America...

  • 夏威夷将施行全民基本收入政策

    17-09-14 Hawaii is considering introducing a basic income for all its citizens. 夏威夷正在考虑在该州施行全民基本收入政策。 The US states congress voted to look into the idea as research suggests a large number of current jobs are likely to be replaced by aut...

  • 员工35岁时会迅速厌倦职场

    17-09-08 Older employees tend to be more miserable in their jobs, with the rapid descent into workplace drudgery kicking in at the age of 35, a new study claims. 一份新的研究表明,员工年纪越大,越容易在工作中感到沮丧,一旦到达35岁,他们就会迅速厌倦职...