• 双职家庭中妻子事业仍处于次要地位

    10-04-10 Women might be on a more even footing at work but at home their careers tend to take a backseat to their husband's job with women most likely to quit when both are working long hours, according to a U.S. study. 美国一项研究显示,如今女性在职场中的地...

  • Speeding Up the Race to the Top

    10-01-25 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. You guys look really cute in those chairs. (Laughter.) I am pleased to be joined today by my outstanding Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, at Graham Road Elementary School, one of Virginia's finest schools. And here...

  • Learning from History to Reform Wall Street

    09-12-15 Over the past two years, more than seven million Americans have lost their jobs, and factories and businesses across our country have been shuttered被关闭的 . In one way or another不管怎样,无论如何 , weve all been touched by the worst economic down...

  • Pushing Forward on Jobs

    09-12-15 Every month since January, when I became your President, Ive spoken to you about the periodic reports定期报告 of the Labor Department on the number of jobs created or lost during the previous month; numbers that tell a story about how Americas econo...

  • 奥巴马希望打开美国就业新局面

    09-12-04 With the US unemployment rate above 10% for the first time in 27 years, a sense of urgency is growing. 美国27年以来失业率首次高过10%,形势的紧迫感正在不断上涨。 15.7 million people are unemployed in the US according to official figures On Thursday i...

  • 英国啃老族群体壮大 引政府担忧

    09-11-28 More than one in 10 UK teenagers has been left without a job or college place, despite 11 years of compulsory education, figures show. 最新数据显示,英国超过十分之一的青少年毕业后没有工作或继续读大学尽管他们已接受了十一年的义务教育。 The number of 1...

  • Better Relations with Asia and Creating Jobs at Home

    09-11-22 Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, November 21, 2009 Hi. Im recording this message from Seoul, South Korea, as I finish up my first presidential trip to Asia. As we emerge from the worst recession in generations, there is not...

  • 纽约招聘公厕大使 6周挣一万

    09-11-21 美国纽约时代广场的公厕近期公开招聘公厕大使。应征者需外向、热情,一旦被录用就要在该公厕工作六周,报酬高达一万美元。公厕大使的工作职责除了与客人互动以外,还要在Twitter和Facebook等社交网站上撰写博客和评论与大家分享其工作体验。这些公厕是卫生纸制造厂商Ch...

  • 骏懋银行将裁员5000人

    09-11-11 Lloyds Banking Group is to cut 5,000 more jobs by the end of next year as it continues to reduce overlap following its merger with HBOS last year. 骏懋银行集团计划明年年底之前裁员至少5000人,该银行自去年与哈利法克斯银行合并之后一直在缩减冗陈机构。 S...

  • Working with Small Business to Drive Recovery

    09-10-31 Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address October 24, 2009 Washington, DC All across America, even today, on a Saturday, millions of Americans are hard at work. Theyre running the mom and pop stores and neighborhood restaurants we know and lo...