• CareerCast公布2013年美国职业排行榜

    13-04-28 美国求职网站CareerCast近日公布了2013年美国职业排行榜,报纸记者因薪水低、任务紧、需随时待命等因素成为年度最差职业,而近年需求持续走高的精算师因优良的工作环境和高薪被评为年度最佳职业。 If you hate your current job, you might have the worst job of 2013...

  • 《美国派4:美国重逢》六

    13-04-18 精彩对白 Classmate: Welcome, you guys. Listen, find your nametag , find out what table you're sitting at. Ashley, so good to see you! Oh, my God. Billy! Oh, my God, you're looking so svelte . You used to be morbidly obese. I was concerned. Kev: Hey....

  • 加拿大人所受工作压力普遍较大

    13-03-14 Having more control in the workplace can have negative consequences for individuals but it depends on the form of job control, according to new research out of the University of Toronto. Sociologist Scott Schieman measured a range of work conditions...

  • 奥巴马演讲 新一年里希望减少赤字

    13-01-20 Hi, everybody. Over the past year, as I traveled across the country campaigning for this office, I told you that if I was fortunate enough to be re-elected, I'd work to change a tax code that too often benefited the wealthy at the expense of the mid...

  • 2013热门职业排行

    12-12-14 Struggling to find a job? If youre an accountant, computer systems analyst or event coordinator, there's a good chance your luck will change in 2013. 你还在为找工作苦苦挣扎吗?如果你是一名会计师、计算机系统分析师或是活动协调员,那么2013年你将很可能...

  • 雇主更倾向雇佣自己喜欢的员工

    12-12-03 Employers are more likely to hire people they fancy, researchers claim, as they find leisure pursuits, background and self-presentation are more important than skills. 研究人员称,雇主更倾向于雇佣自己喜欢的员工,因为他们觉得消遣方式、社会背景以及自...

  • 怎样提高我们的自尊

    12-12-03 Maybe you've lost your job. Maybe you didn't get the promotion you were hoping for. Maybe your sweetheart broke up with you. People say Don't take it personally and Don't let it get to you, but that's very hard to do. If you're feeling disheartened,...

  • 《绿灯侠》一

    12-11-16 影片对白 Hal: Carol. Was gonna do a little flying today. What do you think? Carol: I think you're late. Hal: Yes, but that's only because I slept in . Carol: I used to sleep in. Then I turned 11. Let me give you a little heads-up . I've gone up agai...

  • 马克·汤普逊将担任纽约时报新总裁

    12-11-12 Former BBC director general Mark Thompson is due to start his new job as chief executive and president of the New York Times newspaper. BBC前总裁马克汤普逊将担任《纽约时报》首席执行官、董事长。 Mark Thompson led the BBC in 2004-12 The NYT appointed...

  • 心态好 工作才快乐

    12-11-08 Depending on the underlying cause of your dissatisfaction, there may be several ways to increase your job satisfaction. Use positive thinking to reframe your thoughts about your job. Changing your attitude about work won't necessarily happen overnig...