• out of place 不相称的

    21-12-28 如果形容什么东西是 out of place, 那就是说这个东西对某种场合或地方不合适,不相称。 例句 I wore an evening dress to the party, but everyone else was in jeans and trainers. I felt so out of place! Sarah bought me a vintage clock for my birthday, but it...

  • 你体内可能没有“瘦基因”

    21-02-27 This time of year many of us resolve to get back into shape. But if you are having trouble fitting into your tight jeans, it may not be your fault. Scientists now believe that willpower alone is not enough lose weight. They say success depends on yo...

  • 我穿牛仔裤看上去是不是屁股很大?

    21-02-27 减肥可能很有挑战。不过,注意自己的饮食并且使用较小的盘子吃饭都会帮助我们保持体形以便总能穿得了名牌、时髦的衣服。 Does my bum look big in this? Thats what I asked myself when I tried on the designer jeans I bought in the Christmas sales and the mirro...

  • 金钱能买来幸福吗?

    21-02-24 你同意金钱买不来幸福这个观点吗?一项新的研究结果发现在特定的环境中,有时花费金钱确实可以买来开心。 What would make you happy? Really happy? A nice holiday, lazing on a tropical beach? Maybe a blowout meal with friends at a swanky restaurant? Or poss...

  • 曾经风靡一时的8种牛仔裤潮流都是怎么兴起的

    21-01-05 1. ACID WASH 酸洗牛仔裤 The acid washing process has its roots in 1960s surf culture. According to CRFashionBook, the trend really took off in the 1980s, after Guess released the first pair of pre-washed bleach-splattered jeans. 2. MOM JEANS 老妈牛...

  • 除if以外表条件的短语和单词

    20-12-06 1. But _______ the money transfer isnt successful? a) unless b) even if c) in case d) what if 2. We can give you a refund for the jeans _______ you provide the receipt. a) supposed b) on the condition that c) unless d) in case 3. The PC will be safe...

  • These Are My Jeans 那是我的裤子

    20-08-31 These Are My Jeans After going on a diet, a woman felt really good about herself -- especially when she was able to fit into a pair of jeans she had outgrown long ago. Look,look. she shouted while running downstairs to show her husband. I can wear m...

  • 牛仔裤界最新潮流 可拆卸牛仔

    17-05-27 Clear jeans, jeans that expose your bum, the worlds bluest jeans - strange innovations in the world of denim just keep coming. 透明牛仔裤、露臀牛仔裤,还有世界上最蓝的牛仔裤,牛仔世界里的各种创新络绎不绝。 And the latest trend? Jeans which turn into...