• 日本动物园限量发售十条狮子设计牛仔裤

    16-07-26 How much would you pay for a truly one-of-a-kind pair of jeans featuring an abstract pattern of scratches and bite arks designed by lions at a Japanese zoo? Only ten pairs will be available this year, so youd better be ready to break the piggy bank....

  • 年纪上40的男人不该穿什么

    16-04-06 1. Baseball caps worn backward. Or forward, actually too. 不要反着戴棒球帽。好吧,正着也不行。 2. Hats that arent Tilley Hats. 不要戴除蒂利帽之外任何带沿的帽子。 3. Tee-shirts that shrunk in the wash. 远离缩水的衬衫。 4. Anything that points an arro...

  • 牛仔裤上的迷你口袋用途何在?

    16-02-05 Ever wonder why there's a teeny-tiny pocket above the regular ones in the front of your jeans? Or, more likely, have you ever gotten your thumb stuck in there due to its teeny-tiny smallness? Well, wonder no longer. 有没有想过,牛仔裤口袋上方的迷你...

  • 穿紧身牛仔裤蹲太久损伤肌肉甚至神经

    15-06-28 Attention wearers of skinny jeans: don't squat -- at least not for long. 穿紧身牛仔裤的人们注意了!没事别蹲着至少别蹲太久。 Doctors in Australia report that a 35-year-old woman was hospitalized for four days after experiencing muscle damage, swellin...

  • 牛仔裤的贴身程度影响我们的信心与情绪

    15-06-12 According to a new survey by Qualtrics, the fit of our jeans affects confidence, mood and - bizarrely - our recycling habits. Qualtrics最近进行了一次关于牛仔裤的调查,结果发现,牛仔裤的贴身程度会影响我们的信心,情绪,甚至环保习惯。 The research foun...

  • 谷歌与李维斯合作研发智能牛仔裤

    15-06-05 What if you never had to pull out your phone to dismiss an incoming call? That's the type of future Google and Levi's are envisioning. 不用掏出手机就能拒接来电,你觉得怎么样?这正是谷歌与李维斯正在展望的未来。 The two companies are partnering to cre...

  • 如何找到一条上身效果绝佳的牛仔裤

    15-04-08 When it comes to tracking down the perfect pair of jeans, there is no other piece of clothing that induces so much stress. 找到一条上身效果绝佳的牛仔裤给人的压力比其他任何服装搭配都大。 As well as adhering to the style of the season (flared? skinny?...

  • Denim 丹宁布

    15-01-12 Denim is a strong usually blue cotton cloth that is used especially to make jeans. 丹宁布是用来做牛仔裤的蓝色棉布。 也就是说,denim就是牛仔布的意思,而jeans一般来说是牛仔裤的意思。Denim系列即牛仔系列,包括牛仔裤、牛仔裙、牛仔衬衫等一切使用牛仔布制成...

  • 诺顿研发能屏蔽无线信号的牛仔裤

    14-12-28 A pair of jeans containing material that blocks wireless signals is being developed in conjunction with anti-virus firm Norton. 反病毒公司诺顿正在与厂商联合研发一款由能屏蔽无线信号的材料制成的牛仔裤。 The trousers are intended to stop thieves hackin...

  • 美国蒙大拿州新着装规范引女议员不满

    14-12-14 A new dress code for the Montana House of Representatives that bans jeans and warns women to watch skirt lengths and necklines has drawn the ire of female lawmakers, who say it suggests they cannot independently decide what attire is appropriate. 美...