• 中国在南沙设防是正当权利

    18-04-11 China has claimed sending troops to and setting up territorial defense equipment on the islands and reefs of Nansha Islands is the automatic right as a sovereign state. 中国宣称,作为一个主权国家,向南沙群岛以及岛礁派遣部队并设立领土防御设备是理所应...

  • 南沙部分岛屿的土地开垦计划已完成

    15-07-01 The Chinese Foreign Ministry says the land reclamation project on some stationed islands and reefs of the Nansha Islands has been completed as planned. 中国外交部称,南沙群岛一些有军队驻扎的岛屿和礁石的土地开垦项目已按计划完成。 Foreign Ministry Spo...

  • 亚速尔群岛上发现欧洲最稀有的兰花

    13-12-11 Researchers studying speciation(物种形成) of butterfly orchids on the Azores have been startled to discover that the answer to a long-debated question Do the islands support one species or two species? is actually three species. Hochstetter's Butt...

  • territorial coordinates 领土坐标

    13-03-18 Tokyo's decision to 'purchase' Diaoyu Islands sparked a focused and determined response, Beijing on Monday announced territorial coordinates - base points and baselines - for waters off the islands. 中国政府对日本政府购买钓鱼岛的决定做出了坚决的回应...

  • 韩国总统登上日韩争议岛屿

    12-08-10 South Korea's president is visiting islands also claimed by Japan, Japanese media reports say, in a move set to raise diplomatic tensions. 日本媒体报道,韩国总统正在参观日韩争议岛屿,导致双方外交关系趋于紧张。 Lee Myung-bak flew to the islands, whic...

  • 英国发现“遗失的”蝙蝠

    11-06-19 A University of Exeter biologist has discovered a 'lost' species of bat breeding on the Isles of Scilly (UK). A pregnant female brown long-eared bat is the first of its species to be found on the islands for at least 40 years. It was discovered by D...

  • 墨西哥湾泄露原油已扩散至路易斯安那州海岸

    10-05-07 Oil from a massive slick in the Gulf of Mexico has started washing ashore on an island chain off the coast of Louisiana, US officials have confirmed. 美国官员证实,墨西哥湾深海钻井爆炸事故泄露的原油已经扩散到路易斯安那州沿海各个岛屿。 The islands ar...
