• 伊拉克叛乱分子黑入美国侦察机录像系统

    09-12-18 Insurgents in Iraq have hacked into live video feeds from unmanned American drone aircraft, US media reports say. 美国某媒体报道称,伊拉克叛乱分子黑入美国无人侦察机反馈回来的实时录像系统。 Drones can be remotely controlled from thousands of miles aw...

  • 巴格达遭遇一系列汽车炸弹爆炸

    09-12-15 A series of car bombings has hit the centre of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, killing at least four people and wounding about 14, police say. 伊拉克首都巴格达发生一连串汽车炸弹袭击事件,造成至少4人死亡、14人受伤。 The blasts occurred outside the heavily...

  • 伊拉克通过新竞选法案

    09-12-07 Iraq's parliament has unanimously approved a new electoral law, paving the way for elections early next year. 伊拉克议会议员全体一致通过一项新竞选法,为明年早些时候的选举铺平了道路。 Vice-President Hashemi (L) withdrew his veto after the vote Parlia...

  • 伊拉克内阁核准石油开采协议

    09-10-19 Iraq's cabinet has ratified a deal with two foreign energy companies to develop the giant southern oilfield in Rumaila. 伊拉克内阁核准了与两家外国能源公司在南部鲁迈拉大油田进行开采的协议。 The Rumaila project aims to increase output at the field by...

  • Trio of blasts strikes Iraqi city 伊拉克城市发生三起爆炸事件

    09-10-12 Three blasts have rocked the Iraqi city of Ramadi, west of Baghdad, killing at least 22 people and wounding 61, police have told the BBC. 伊拉克当地警方向BBC透露,巴格达西部城市拉马迪发生三起爆炸事件,造成至少22人死亡、61人受伤。 The attacks shatter...

  • Iraq shoe thrower sentence to end 伊拉克扔鞋门主人公将刑满释

    09-09-14 The Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at former US President George W Bush during a news conference is due to reach the end of his prison sentence. 在新闻发布会上向美国前总统扔鞋的伊拉克记者将要刑满释放。 Muntadar al-Zaidi, whose act propelled(...

  • Deadly day for US troops overseas 海外美军感受最血腥的一天

    09-09-09 Eight soldiers have died on a bloody day for US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. 美国驻伊、驻阿富汗士兵日前一天死亡八人,血腥的一天。 Violence has been on the rise in both Afghanistan and Iraq Three died in a roadside bombing in northern Iraq - the U...

  • Life for US soldier's Iraq crimes 美士兵因伊拉克强健杀人案被

    09-09-05 A former US soldier convicted of rape and murder while serving in Iraq will spend life in prison, a judge in the US state of Kentucky has confirmed. 美国肯塔基州一位法官证实道,一名前美国驻伊美军士兵因强奸和谋杀将被终身监禁。 Steven Green was consid...

  • Iraq and Syria recall ambassadors 伊拉克、叙利亚召回各自大使

    09-08-26 Iraq and Syria have both recalled their ambassadors in a deepening rift over claims Damascus was harbouring militants who bombed Baghdad. 伊拉克和叙利亚各自召回自己的外交大使,双方因大马士革潜伏的武装力量轰炸了巴格达而导致矛盾产生。 The alleged conf...

  • Iraqi PM orders security review 伊拉克总理命令安全检查

    09-08-20 Iraq's prime minister has ordered a security review after the deadliest series of attacks in the country this year left 95 people dead in Baghdad. 伊拉克总理命令对最近一系列致死攻击进行安全检查,今年巴格达已经有95人死亡。 Wednesday's attacks killed...