• the invisible poor 隐形贫困人口

    18-05-05 The invisible poverty-stricken population, or the invisible poor , refers to people whose consumption exceeds their income. They usually live a quality life and spend a lot of money on food, clothing, gym, spas and other daily expenses, which leaves...

  • 美宇航局发现“超视觉世界”

    11-09-09 Usually, running five minutes late is a bad thing since you might lose your dinner reservation or miss out on tickets to the latest show. But when a planet runs five minutes late, astronomers get excited because it suggests that another world is nea...

  • 研究人员创造出兆赫隐形斗篷

    11-04-28 Researchers at Northwestern University have created a new kind of cloaking material that can render objects invisible in the terahertz(兆赫) range. Though this design can't translate into an invisibility cloak for the visible spectrum, it could ha...

  • 德国科学家研制出三维“隐形斗篷”

    10-03-27 German scientists have created a three-dimensional invisibility cloak that can hide objects by bending light waves. 德国科学家近日研制出一种通过弯曲光线来隐藏物体的三维隐形斗篷。 An image of invisibility cloak in Harry Potter. German scientists have...
