• lose concentration 开小差

    21-11-16 开小差,原指军人脱离队伍私自逃跑(to leave the armed forces without permission and with no intention of returning)。 开小差,当逃兵可以用desert,这个单词除了有沙漠,荒漠的意思之外,还可以表示擅离(部队)。 现在常用来比喻做事不专心,思想不集中,英文...

  • Justine 淑女的眼泪 Chapter 41

    15-05-20 Superfluous efforts, he cries, this is not what I must have... to the business... the business... however pitiable my state... I can hold back no longer... come, Countess, your arms! He seizes her ferociously, places her as I was placed, arms suspen...
