• 中国央行向金融市场注资500亿

    15-07-07 The People's Bank of China, China's central bank, has injected 50 billion yuan (8.2 billion U.S. dollars) into the money market through open market operations, it announced on Tuesday. 中国人民银行周二宣布,已通过公开市场操作向金融市场注入500亿元人...

  • 污水注入地下易引发地震

    13-03-27 A new study in the journal Geology is the latest to tie a string of unusual earthquakes, in this case, in central Oklahoma, to the injection of wastewater deep underground. Researchers now say that the magnitude 5.7 earthquake near Prague, Okla., on...

  • 类固醇注射不会显著改善肘部发炎症状

    13-02-06 Among patients with chronic unilateral(单边的) lateral epicondylalgia (tennis elbow), a single injection of corticosteroid(皮质类固醇) medication was associated with poorer outcomes after one year and higher recurrence rates compared with placeb...
