• 塑料可能成为下一代信息存储材料

    14-04-17 Inexpensive computers, cell phones and other systems that substitute(代替) flexible plastic for silicon chips may be one step closer to reality, thanks to research published on April 16 in the journal Nature Communications. The paper describes a n...

  • information-sharing platform 信息共享平台

    14-03-13 The government has announced plans to consolidate various real estate registration offices into one body, establishing a single information-sharing platform . 政府宣布计划称,将把多个不动产登记处合并为一个,建立一个统一的信息共享平台。 信息共享平台...

  • information fatigue syndrome 信息疲劳综合征

    14-01-22 Information fatigue syndrome (IFS) refers to the weariness and stress that result from having to deal with excessive amounts of information. 信息疲劳综合征(information fatigue syndrome,IFS)指因需要处理过多数量的信息而导致的倦怠和压力。 A new phen...

  • information transparency 信息透明度

    13-12-11 Information transparency is an important means of enhancing the government's credibility and safeguarding the people's right to know, and of supervising government, it added. 国务院还表示,信息透明是提高政府公信力、保障人民知情权以及监督政府的一个重...

  • judicial interpretation 司法解释

    13-11-06 Internet users who share false information that is defamatory or harms the national interest face up to three years in prison if their posts are viewed over 5,000 times or forwarded over 500 times, under a judicial interpretation released on Monday....

  • sharing economy 分享经济

    13-10-31 The sharing economy (aka the shared economy) refers to economic and social systems that enable shared access to goods, services, data and talent. These systems take a variety of forms but all leverage information technology to empower individuals, c...

  • 强劲的动物追踪系统有利于科学研究

    13-07-05 Call it a bird's eye view of migration. Scientists are taking a fresh look at animal movement with a big data approach that combines GPS tracking data with satellite weather and terrain information. The new Environmental-Data Automated Track Annotat...

  • information overload syndrome 信息超载综合征

    13-04-27 Have you ever experienced the phenomenon known as information overload syndrome ? If you have sat down for an academic lecture for three hours straight or have been stuck in a meeting full of facts, figures and who knows what - then yes - you probab...

  • Push poll 推手民调

    13-03-07 Push poll is an opinion poll whose real purpose is to influence people's opinions rather than to collect information about them. Push poll指以民调之名行影响民意之实的民意调查,这种调查的真正目的不是收集人们的意见,而是影响人们的看法,即推手民调。 In...

  • 4 是一个神奇的数字

    12-11-29 According to psychological lore(知识,学问) , when it comes to items of information the mind can cope with before confusion sets in, the magic number is seven. But a new analysis by a leading Australian psychiatrist challenges this long-held view,...