• 中华人民共和国专利法 6

    22-11-18 第五章 专利权的期限、终止和无效 Chapter V Duration, Cessation and Invalidation of Patent Right 第四十二条 发明专利权的期限为二十年,实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权的期限为十年,均自申请日起计算。 Article 42. The duration of patent right for invention...

  • by the book 按章办事

    21-11-12 By the book 通过书 =按章办事 联想记忆:根据书上的条条框框,就是按章办事。 例句: He is an unimaginative individual who does everything by the book. 他是一个一切照章办事,缺想象力的人。...

  • it differs from man to man 因人而异

    21-03-13 因人而异,汉语成语,意思是因人的不同而有所差异。可以翻译为it differs from man to man,it varies from person to person,vary with each individual。 例句: 治疗方式因人而异。 Treatment depends on the individual involved. 对疼痛的耐受程度因人而异,差别...

  • it differs from man to man 因人而异

    21-03-13 因人而异,汉语成语,意思是因人的不同而有所差异。可以翻译为it differs from man to man,it varies from person to person,vary with each individual。 例句: 治疗方式因人而异。 Treatment depends on the individual involved. 对疼痛的耐受程度因人而异,差别...

  • individual,standalone,sole

    20-10-31 Individual、standalone 和 sole 在翻译成汉语后都可以表示 单个的,不过它们的意思和用法却不同。 我们先来看 individual。Individual 可以作形容词使用,它强调整体中的个体或者群体中的个人,主要有三个意思。第一:individual 可以表示 个人的、单个的。我们来听一...

  • 鱼类“性格”影响钓鱼上钩率

    14-10-30 Individual differences in moving activity in a novel environment are linked to individual differences in vulnerability to angling, according to an experimental study completed at the University of Eastern Finland and the Finnish Game and Fisheries R...

  • 利他主义可能源于操纵

    13-08-20 Manipulation is often thought of as morally repugnant(讨厌的,矛盾的) , but it might be responsible for the evolutionary origins of some helpful or altruistic(利他的) behavior, according to a new study. In evolutionary biology, manipulation occu...
