• accept and imitate blindly 生搬硬套

    21-06-06 做任何事情都要学会灵活变通,不可生搬硬套。生搬硬套,汉语成语,意思是指不顾实际情况,机械地运用别人的经验,照抄别人的办法,含贬义。套表示模仿(copy)。可以翻译为 copy mechanically and apply indiscriminately或accept and imitate blindly。 例句: 对先进...

  • 表情模仿需要视觉反馈的支持

    12-12-29 Research using new technology shows that our ability to imitate facial expressions depends on learning that occurs through visual feedback. Studies of the chameleon(变色龙) effect confirm what salespeople, tricksters, and Lotharios have long known...
