• brown-noser 马屁精

    22-01-22 马屁精,中文俗语,就是指专门给人拍马屁的人,比喻为获取利益而阿谀奉承者,含贬义。与英文习语brown-noser同义,表示 One who seeks out the approval, attention, and/or support of others, especially superiors, through abject subservience, flattery, or fawn...

  • carry the day 获胜,取胜

    22-01-07 经常看球赛的小伙伴应该很熟悉这句话他在carry全场。carry有携带、支持的意思。 carry the day并不是指带上这一天,而是指:获胜,取胜。 I cant get over how we failed to carry the day! 我们没能获胜,让我无法释怀。 In the end the better ideas carry the day....

  • high-flyer 抱负极高的人

    22-01-04 A high-flyer 是在指事业上有极高抱负的成功职业人士。 例句 Daniel is such a high-flyer. Hes only 31 years old and hes already the financial director of the company. My brother is a high-flying businessman and travels all over the world. 请注意 另外有...

  • beware the ides of March 谨防危险,千万小心

    21-04-11 英国剧作家威廉莎士比亚在他的戏剧《凯撒大帝》中首次使用了表达 beware the ides of March(谨防3月15日)。这是预言者对凯撒的一个警告,提醒凯撒提防3月15日,随后他在这一天遇刺身亡。现在,人们用 beware the ides of March 来提醒他人要谨防可能发生的危险。 例...

  • to be bullheaded 固执己见

    21-04-11 形容词 bullheaded 用来描述某人 固执任性,刚愎自用,往往不考虑他人的感受。 例句 He is so bullheaded. He just does what he wants all the time and doesnt care what I want. 他太固执了。他总是做自己想做的事情,从不在乎我想要什么。 She has this bullheaded...

  • 广告产业的未来

    21-02-24 现代社会中,广告信息随处可见,这一产业的未来会有哪些改变?我们是否会迎来这样的一天:当人们走在城市的街道上时,一抬头就能看到映射在天空中高达200米的广告影像? Imagine a future where our streets are filled with ads 200m tall; where billboards change b...

  • pool wisdom from the people 集思广益

    20-11-05 集思广益,汉语成语,意思是汇集众人的思考与智慧,广泛吸取有益意见,以获得更好的效果(to work more effectively by extensively drawing on ideas and wisdom of many people)。可以翻译为pool wisdom from the people。 例句: 为官者就是要集思广益,广泛吸取忠...

  • 8位大咖的经典名言

    20-09-10 1. Its important to be able to present you ideas well, especially in writing. 能充分地表达自己的观点很重要,特别是以书面形式。斯泰西斯奈德 2. When someone rejects your work, register the fact that they dont like it, but dont listen to the reason why...

  • 调查:头脑风暴不利于出创意

    20-01-23 Perhaps more than any other category of professionals, creative types are expected to thrive in brainstorms. In the publics imagination, their offices are filled with fidget toys and Post-it notes in an array of colors, all meant to absorb some of t...

  • 创造性与文化相关

    15-01-29 With the creative class on the rise, many businesses are trying to capitalize on imagination and innovation. But when it comes to creative juices, some societies have a faster flow than others. That's because, as new research from Concordia Universi...