• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 16

    22-07-13 A year passed, and when Philip came to the school the old masters were all in their places; but a good many changes had taken place notwithstanding their stubborn resistance, none the less formidable because it was concealed under an apparent desire...

  • be poker-faced 一本正经

    22-07-04 一本正经,汉语成语,形容态度庄重严肃,郑重其事,有时含讽刺意味。可以翻译为be poker-faced,become serious/stuffy等。 例句: 为什么成年人总是那么一本正经,对好点子反应那么迟缓呢? Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ideas?...

  • 与“马”有关的习语 上

    22-06-22 1. A dark horse 黑马,实力难以预测的竞争者或出人意料的获胜者 We never expected that he would be the champion in the race. He was such a dark horse! 我们从未预料到他会成为比赛中的冠军。他真是一匹黑马! 2. Closing the stable door after the horse has b...

  • PARUL BANSAL剃完光头的我 下

    22-04-15 I was forced to examine all of me with a bald head. 我不得不光着头审视自己。 Do I look feminine? Am I Indian? 我看起来有女人味吗?我是印度人吗? Am I even attractive? Do I fit in? 我到底有没有吸引力?我能适应吗? Cause I sure as hell feel like I sta...

  • discourage or deter someone from doing something 泼冷水

    22-03-28 当你兴奋地提出自己的想法或计划时,对方表现得毫无兴趣或一味提出批评,那种受挫的感觉可能就像被当头泼了一盆冷水一样难受。 泼冷水,中文俗语,字面意思是pour [throw] cold water on,比喻败别人的兴头,打击别人做某事的热情(discourage or deter someone from d...

  • steal others' ideas 拾人牙慧

    22-03-23 拾人牙慧是一个汉语成语,比喻拾取别人的一言半语当作自己的话(pick up phrases from somebody and pass them off as ones own),也比喻窃取别人的语言和文字(steal others ideas/sayings),带有贬义。 例句: 他只是鹦鹉学舌,拾人牙慧罢了! He talks like a parr...