• 英国科学家将赴南极洲考察巨型冰山A68a

    21-01-12 一组科学家被派往南大西洋考察巨型冰山 A68a 。这座面积为 3900 平方公里的庞然大物目前正在漂离英国海外领地南乔治亚的近海地区,冰山有可能在这里搁浅。 Icebergs like A68a break away from Antarctica only every few decades. And wherever they drift, they can...

  • 巨大冰山已从南极洲断裂

    17-07-14 One of the biggest icebergs ever recorded, a trillion-ton behemoth more than seven times the size of New York City, has broken off of Antarctica, triggering disagreement among scientists over whether global warming is to blame. 有记录在案的最大冰山...

  • 大型冰山在吸收CO2的过程中有重要作用

    16-01-13 Giant icebergs leave trail of carbon sequestration in their wake -- a month after they have passed Geographers analysed 175 satellite images of ocean colour which is an indicator of phytoplankton productivity at the ocean's surface Giant icebergs ar...

  • 冰山拍击海岸使南极物种减少

    14-06-17 The Antarctic shore is a place of huge contrasts, as quiet, dark, and frozen winters give way to bright, clear waters, thick with algae and peppered with drifting icebergs in summer. But as the planet has warmed in the last two decades, massive loss...

  • 泰坦尼克号因海市蜃楼而沉没?

    12-04-14 After an entire century that included two high-profile government investigations and countless books and movies, we're still debating what really caused the Titanic to hit an iceberg and sink on that crystal-clear chilly night. 泰坦尼克号沉没一百周...
