• 英国不同时代的住宅

    22-03-22 英国的住宅有很多种,最常见的有独栋房、连排房、公寓等。英国人理想中的家是什么样的?维多利亚式房屋和乔治王时代房屋分别有哪些特征? There are many different types of houses in the UK. You may see detached, semi-detached, terraced houses or even end-of-...

  • 中国将允许非房地产企业及村庄自建房屋

    18-01-16 China will allow non-real-estate enterprises and villages to build houses on the land they own to boost housing supply. 中国将允许非房地产企业以及村庄在自有土地上建设房屋以提高房屋供给量。 A total of 13 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, H...

  • public rental houses 公租房

    16-03-07 China is set to stop construction of public rental houses and renovate 6 million shanty towns in 2016. 中国计划2016年停止建设公租房,改造600万套棚户区。 公租房(public rental houses),即公共租赁房,是指由国家提供政策支持,各种社会主体通过新建或者其...

  • 英国最便宜房屋仅售1英镑

    13-02-25 THESE are Britain's cheapest homes set to go on sale for just a POUND. 英国最便宜房屋即将出售,仅卖1英镑。 Small change ... houses in Liverpool are being sold to residents for £1 The Victorian terraced houses(台阶式房屋) were originally bought fo...

  • dilapidated houses 危房

    11-12-27 China plans to renovate 2.65 million dilapidated houses for poor rural households in the central and western regions this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) said Monday. 住房和城乡建设部周一称,我国计划今年完成中西部2...

  • 美国花50万买房可获签证?

    11-10-29 The reeling housing market has come to this: To shore it up, two Senators are preparing to introduce a bipartisan bill Thursday that would give residence visas to foreigners who spend at least $500,000 to buy houses in the U.S. 美国两名参议员本周四...

  • 巴西将向洪灾灾民提供8000套住房

    11-01-28 Brazil says it is going to build 8,000 houses to give free to poor people made homeless by floods and landslides in Rio de Janeiro state this month. 里约热内卢州本月发生洪水和泥石流灾害,巴西政府将为无家可归的灾民免费建造8000座房屋。 The flooding is...

  • Kaiping Diaolou

    10-10-13 Kaiping Diaolou and Villages, the unique residential and defensive buildings in Guangdong's Kaiping, were inscribed(题写,雕刻) on UNESCO's World Heritage List on June 28. The cultural site nomination(任命,提名) was approved by the ongoing 31st...

  • 酷暑难耐 日本鬼屋成消暑好去处

    10-09-06 With Japan suffering its worst heatwave since records began in 1898, haunted houses or obake yashiki are doing a roaring trade as the traditional summertime venues to cool off. 日本今夏遭遇自1898年有气象记录以来的最热酷暑,但传统避暑胜地受到游客冷落...
