• 纽约餐厅推出250美元汉堡

    14-03-16 纽约一家餐厅决定推出一款售价250美元的汉堡,这个味觉炸弹包括了神户牛肉,烟肉,鹅肝酱,白松露以及鱼子酱等各种高端食材。你还可以随意无限量地添加番茄酱和蛋黄酱。 Does the Hamburglar know about this? A Midtown restaurant will sell a $250 hamburger -- an...

  • hotel parents 宾馆父母

    13-12-10 Parents who continue to cook for children who have grown up or left home have been blamed for fuelling Britain's food waste crisis. 孩子成年或离家后,父母在做饭时仍然做孩子的那份儿,这一行为被指是引发英国食物浪费危机的原因。 Dubbed ' hotel parents '...

  • 美国流浪汉溜进总统套房睡觉

    13-11-30 据美国媒体11月6日报道,美国一位流浪汉日前偷偷溜进宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡一家豪华酒店的总统套房,并心安理得地睡了个好觉。可惜梦醒时分等待他的却是牢狱之灾。 A homeless man has gone from the proverbial(众所周知的) penthouse(顶层公寓) to the big house af...

  • 《恋恋笔记本》六

    13-10-17 精彩对白 Allie: Lon's here in town. Noah: He's here? Allie: Yeah, we saw his car on the way, at the hotel. Noah: I see you got my letters. Finally. What are you going to do, Al? Allie: I don't know. Noah: We're back to that? Are we back there? What...

  • 印度巴德某旅馆坍塌 10人死亡

    13-07-08 At least 10 people have been killed in a building collapse in the southern Indian city of Secunderabad, police say. 印度南部城市巴德一座建筑发生坍塌,至少10人丧生。 Police said one of the kitchen walls of the hotel collapsed At least 15 more people...

  • Whose plate it is 谁的盘子

    13-01-31 Guest: Why does your dog sit there and watch me eat? Hotel Host: I can't imagine, unless it's because you have the plate he usually eats from. 客人:为什么你的狗狗坐在那儿老是看着我吃东西呢? 旅馆主人:我不敢想象,除非是因为你拿了它经常用来吃东西的...

  • Fishing for Girls

    13-01-23 Wednesday night, Howard asked Glenn if he wanted to go fishing and girl-watching that weekend at Santa Fe Lake. We'll leave Friday morning and return late Sunday night, he said. Glenn said he had to clean out his garage, so Howard went by himself. H...

  • 宾馆房间的卫生间最干净

    13-01-20 一项最新研究显示,宾馆房间的卫生间才是最适宜用餐的地方,因为那里卫生状况最好。该研究发现,宾馆的卫生间会定期彻底清洁,细菌含量最少;而靠垫和被子等物品则很少清洁,是宾馆房间中最脏的区域。 Holidaymakers should think twice before taking their breakfast...

  • 《想爱趁现在》六

    12-12-17 精彩对白 Dad: Hi, Marley, it's Dad. I'm coming into town tonight and I'd like to see you. I'll call you once I get to the hotel. Hope you're doing well. Bye. Julian: He sounds like he's making an effort . Marley: It's too little too late. Go ahead ....

  • black-hole resorts 黑洞度假区

    12-11-27 After years of creating destinations bristling with connective gadgets, resorts are now trumpeting their unreachability heralding the advent of so-called black-hole resorts, where mobile phones and internet signals are banned, no televisions availab...