• hold your horses 沉住气

    22-01-22 遇到问题时要沉住气,不要着急,笑到最后的才是赢家。 沉住气,比喻能克制感情,力求镇静,提醒人们遇事应沉着冷静、切勿急躁。与英文谚语hold your horses意思相近,表示Wait a moment or be patient (often because you are moving too quickly or thoughtlessly)。...

  • hold your horses 别着急

    21-12-28 这个短语是用来告诉别人应该停下来仔细考虑他们对某件事情的看法或意见。 例句 Hold your horses! Youve only known her for a week. Its way too soon to think about marriage! Hold your horses! You shouldnt quit your job just because youve had one bad day. T...

  • 游泳比赛是如何分配泳道的?

    21-08-04 当你坐在沙发上观看东京奥运会时,你的脑海里会不会闪现一些问号。比如,马术比赛中的马是怎么运送到主办城市的?为什么跳水运动员一出水池就马上淋浴?游泳比赛是如何分配泳道的? 强烈的好奇心让推特网友提出了许多关于奥运会的问题,下面就来看看这些古怪而有趣的提...

  • 21匹珍稀野马在新疆出生

    19-06-21 Twenty-one foals of the rare Przewalskis horses have been born in the wild in northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region since this spring. 从今年春天开始已有21匹普尔热瓦尔斯基氏野马在新疆野外出生。 The Przewalskis horse, named after its Russ...

  • 茂林路

    16-01-27 My family has a house in Marine City, less than two miles from where the Morrow Road Haunting have been stated to happen. My parents grew up riding their horses up and down that road, and many others. Recently, my mother and I took a ride to the are...

  • 千金买骨

    15-09-18 Shortly after King Zhao of the State of Yan came to the throne, he went to visit Guo Kui, an able and virtuous scholar, and asked for his advice on how to govern the state and make it strong, and how to avenge his father and wipe off the shame of th...

  • 马的某些表情与人类似

    15-08-07 Horses share some surprisingly similar facial expressions to humans and chimps, according to new University of Sussex research. Mammal communication researchers have shown that, like humans, horses use muscles underlying various facial features - in...