• The Enchanted Horse - 1

    14-04-09 It was the Feast of the New Year, the oldest and most splendid of all the feasts in the Kingdom of Persia, and the day had been spent by the king in the city of Schiraz, taking part in the magnificent spectacles prepared by his subjects to do honour...

  • 马年双语祝福

    14-02-14 事业如万马奔腾 Wish you have a career that thrives like ten thousand horses galloping. 马年行大运 Wish you good luck in the year of horse. 祝您龙马精神 Wish you full of vigor/keep a vigorous spirit in the new year. 祝事业一马平川 Wish you have a smo...

  • 与horse有关的一些短语

    14-01-14 1. horse sense 基本常识 She's got too much horse sense to believe his story. 丰富的常识使她不相信他的说辞。 2. Wild horses couldn't drag him away 全心投入 Once Elaine starts playing a video game, wild horses can't drag her away from it. 一旦伊莲开始...

  • Mary

    14-01-14 Mary Barto Pa There once was a young horse named Mary This Mary was rather quite hairy She blow-dried her hair And now she's quite bare Now she has less hair to carry!...

  • Ed

    14-01-14 Ed Ashley Mailloux There once was a horse named Ed, Who always ate something red. He didn't mind To be treated unkind. As long as he was fed....

  • 加拿大某女性坠马后口音改变

    14-01-10 A Canadian woman who fell off a horse and awoke with a Scottish accent is now to write a book about how the bizarre accident changed her life. 一位加拿大女性在遭遇坠马事故后,醒来时说话竟变成了纯正的苏格兰腔调,而她之前从未去过苏格兰。该女子打算写本...

  • 雀巢某些牛肉食品中发现马肉成分

    13-12-20 据英国《每日电讯》报道,世界上最大的食品公司雀巢(Nestle)在一些检测中发现牛肉食品里含有1%以上的马肉DNA后,将其牛肉面食从意大利和西班牙的食品架上撤出。 Nestle, the world's biggest food company, has removed beef pasta(意大利面食) meals from shelves...

  • Black Horse

    13-11-25 Jed got to the top of the mountain and sat down to rest. The July sun had made him hot. It had been a long walk to the top and he was tired. He knew the horse he was trying to capture could not be too far away. He looked at the mountain and the vall...

  • The Thief and his Master

    13-11-21 Hans wished to put his son to learn a trade, so he went into the church and prayed to our Lord God to know which would be most advantageous for him. Then the clerk got behind the altar(圣坛) , and said, Thieving, thieving. On this Hans goes back t...

  • Hans in Luck

    13-11-18 Hans had served his master for seven years, so he said to him, Master, my time is up; now I should be glad to go back home to my mother; give me my wages. The master answered, You have served me faithfully and honestly; as the service was so shall t...