• 甲肝爆发 加州进入紧急状态

    17-10-16 Californias governor Jerry Brown declared Friday a state of emergency amid the deadly hepatitis A outbreak that has killed at least 18 people in the western U.S. state. 加利福尼亚州爆发甲型肝炎,造成至少18人死亡,州长杰瑞布朗周五宣布该州进入紧急状态...

  • 2036年丙肝将成为罕见病

    14-08-06 Effective new drugs and screening would make hepatitis C(丙型肝炎) a rare disease by 2036, according to a computer simulation conducted by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public...

  • 新疗法使90%肝硬化患者摆脱丙肝感染

    14-04-14 Twelve weeks of an investigational oral therapy cured hepatitis C infection in more than 90 percent of patients with liver cirrhosis(肝硬化) and was well tolerated by these patients, according to an international study that included researchers fr...

  • 丙肝病毒迄今最详细的图像

    13-11-29 Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have determined the most detailed picture yet of a crucial part of the hepatitis(肝炎) C virus, which the virus uses to infect liver cells. The new data reveal unexpected structural features of t...

  • 阻止丙型肝炎病毒的入侵

    12-12-30 Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have figured out intimate details of how the hepatitis C virus(丙型肝炎病毒) takes over an invaded cell, a breakthrough that could point to way for new treatments for the virus. Hep C hi...

  • 科学家创造出拟人化丙肝小鼠模型

    11-06-09 Scientists at Rockefeller University and The Scripps Research Institute have developed the first genetically humanized mouse model for hepatitis C(丙型肝炎) , an achievement that will enable researchers to test molecules that block entry of the he...

  • 丙肝患者的抑郁情绪往往被忽视

    10-07-21 Researchers from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland (the NORDynamIC project group) have observed that depressive symptoms in patients with hepatitis(肝炎) C virus (HCV) infection are commonly overlooked in routine clinical interviews, and that tr...
