• 第132届广交会 欧洲市场对供暖产品需求有所上升

    22-10-25 第132届广交会上,很多参展的家电企业感受到暖意,不少暖产品暖技术走俏欧洲市...

  • 瑞士冬季室内供暖温度不得超过19摄氏度

    22-09-09 俄罗斯对欧洲能源供应将持续下降,欧洲能源危机可能愈演愈烈,多个欧洲国家将在今冬遭遇愈发严峻的能源短缺问题。据瑞士媒体《观点日报(Blick)》9月6日报道,瑞士政府近日出台了一项冬季天然气使用新规定,内容包括室内供暖温度不得超过19摄氏度、禁用辐射加热器等条...

  • 取暖设备

    21-12-01 这几天这么冷,小伙伴们是不是都分分钟都想把自己裹成粽子出门? 在英文里我们问对方穿了多少件衣服,不要说how many clothes,而要问: How many layers are you wearing? 你今天穿了多少层? 除了衣服这一种御寒神器,heating和heater其实都是取暖设备,前者一般是像...

  • 山东海阳成全国首个“零碳”供暖城市

    21-11-15 近日,北方多个城市已经开始供暖,传统的集中供暖往往采用燃煤供暖技术,现在国内诞生了首座零碳供暖城市。 The urban area of Haiyang, Shandong province, has started using heat generated by a nuclear power plant this winter, making it the first Chinese cit...

  • 可以过热关闭冷却重启的新式锂电池

    16-01-14 Stanford researchers have developed the first lithium-ion battery that shuts down before overheating, then restarts immediately when the temperature cools. The new technology could prevent the kind of fires that have prompted recalls and bans on a w...

  • 韩国公务员关暖气穿保暖衣节能

    11-01-24 South Korea's civil servants have been ordered to do their public duty by switching off the heating and donning long johns as the severe cold puts a strain on power resources, according to officials. 据一些韩国官员说,韩国政府要求公务员履行公职,关...
