• 《恐龙当家》第19章

    22-11-09 The storm raged as Arlo ran up the mountain as fast as he could. He began to howl, calling for Spot. A bolt of lightning struck the ground and hit a nearby tree. Arlo dodged out of the way as the giant tree crashed to the wilderness floor with a dea...

  • 打开话匣子可能只需要一句话

    22-08-17 1. How are you doing today? 今天过得咋样? 简简单单的一句问候最是贴心,谁会拒绝一个笑脸相迎,嘘寒问暖的人呢? 2. Nice earrings! 耳环不错啊! 甭管是衣服、首饰、还是心情气色神马的,你都可以借来赞扬一番。 3. Oh, did you hear about 哦,你听说过吗? 想挑...