• 美国黑客窃取信用卡号码作圣诞捐赠

    11-12-31 The loose-knit hacking movement 'Anonymous' claimed Sunday to have stolen thousands of credit card numbers and other personal information belonging to clients of US-based security think tank Stratfor. 组织松散的黑客团体匿名者上周日宣称成功侵入美国安...

  • 土耳其警察逮捕32名黑客

    11-06-15 Turkish police have arrested 32 people believed to be members of hacker collective Anonymous. 土耳其警方逮捕了32位据称是黑客群体匿名的成员。 The group has been active in Turkey protesting against government plans to set up a national net filtering s...

  • 索尼网络系统再遭攻击

    11-06-03 A hacker group has claimed it has attacked the Sony network and stolen more than one million passwords, email addresses and other information. 某黑客组织宣称,他们攻击了索尼的网络系统,窃取了100多万用户的密码、邮件和其它信息。 Lulz Security said it...