• geographically undesirable 地理位置不理想

    22-10-08 还记得《老友记》中Ross因为不知道该选择哪个约会对象而纠结的情节么?一个虽然貌美风趣,但是住得太远,一个住得很近,但是平淡无奇。一开始Ross选择了住得远的那个,但最后还是被迫放弃。这种因为住得太远而导致吸引力降低的情况就叫gu。 Gu is the acronym for geog...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 12

    22-09-14 The cab I had was a real old one that smelled like someoned just tossed his cookies in it. I always get those vomity kind of cabs if I go anywhere late at night. What made it worse, it was so quiet and lonesome out, even though it was Saturday night...

  • 怎样成为一个更有魅力的男人 2

    22-01-24 1. Carry your prop 带上你的道具。 Book! Nothing beats a guy with a book. I really really really really like seeing a guy with a book resting near him. *Bonus point* - if hes actually reading it. 书!拿着书的男人天下无敌。我非常非常非常非常喜欢看一个...

  • Bongga 形容很奢华、隆重

    21-10-09 Bongga 形容很奢华、隆重 英文释义: When youre dressed like a diva (for a girl) or when youre pimped out (for a guy). Youre workin it, struttin it, walkin with attitude and having a good time, all at the same time. 常用来形容奢侈品或者很惊艳的打扮、...

  • 为什么他被我拒绝后就离开了?

    20-12-15 I just met this guy, he said he really likes me and wants to date me. I told him I dont have any special feeling for him yet, and it is too fast. 我只是和他刚认识,他就说他真的很喜欢我,想和我交往。我说我对他并没有什么特殊的感觉,而且这进展太快了。...